3 Benefits of Walking in an Apostolic Anointing

3 Benefits of Walking in an Apostolic Anointing

The apostolic movement saw a restoration in the 1990s–a restoration that still continues. Many are still unfamiliar with the need for the apostolic anointing in the church today, but Ephesians 4:11-12 is clear:

“And He Himself gave some to be apostles, some prophets, some evangelists, and some pastors and teachers, 12 for the equipping of the saints for the work of ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ.”

But what exactly is the apostolic anointing, why is it so critical, and how can believers press into this realm of grace to see transformation in their lives and ministries? Let’s break it down, because the Holy Spirit is calling many of us to rise up in the apostolic and press into the power it holds.

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What Is the Apostolic Anointing?

The apostolic anointing is a divine empowerment from God that equips believers to walk in the authority, boldness, and vision that apostles carried in the early Church. This anointing is not just reserved for those holding the office of an apostle. It’s a grace available to every believer who desires to partner with heaven for kingdom advancement.

At its core, the apostolic anointing releases divine strategies to build, plant, and govern God’s work on earth. Apostles were sent by God to pioneer new territories, establish the kingdom of God, and tear down strongholds in the spirit realm. This same anointing is available today to help believers break new ground, birth fresh movements, and contend against principalities and powers that oppose the Church.

The apostolic anointing is a spiritual dimension that carries with it the authority to uproot, build, and establish. It’s the supernatural ability to bring heaven to earth in profound ways, demonstrating the power of the risen Christ to heal the sick, cast out demons, and set captives free. When we walk in this anointing, we operate in a sent dimension, where every step we take is divinely guided by the Holy Spirit to fulfill God’s purposes in the earth.

3 Benefits of the Apostolic Anointing

When you press into the apostolic anointing, there is a shift in the spiritual atmosphere around you. Here are three of the many benefits you can expect:

  1. Supernatural Breakthroughs: The apostolic anointing releases breakthrough in impossible situations. Whether it’s a family issue, a financial mountain, or a church in need of revitalization, the apostolic grace carries the authority to bring supernatural solutions and breakthrough.
  2. Divine Wisdom and Strategies: With this anointing comes divine insight. Apostles in the New Testament were not only filled with the Holy Spirit but were also filled with God’s strategies to solve problems, navigate opposition, and advance the kingdom. Those who press into the apostolic anointing can expect to receive divine blueprints from heaven on how to fulfill their assignments.
  3. Increased Authority and Boldness: The apostolic anointing brings a boldness to confront spiritual darkness and move in God’s authority. It’s not just a grace to operate in your calling but to step into places of leadership and influence where you can tear down strongholds, establish truth, and build up God’s people.

If you’re sensing a pull towards the apostolic, know that God is preparing you for greater works. Don’t shy away from the cost of this calling. Press into the anointing by cultivating intimacy with God, pursuing His presence, and positioning yourself to receive impartation from those who carry this mantle.

The apostolic anointing is not just for the few; it’s available to anyone willing to partner with heaven for kingdom advancement. Press into this realm, and watch as God uses you to build, pioneer, and release His glory in the earth.

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