
The sons and daughters that are being forged in the fire even now are ones who will come forth radiating the manifested character and Glory of God.

By Anita Alexander

The Lord has marked you. He has not marked you for religion but marked you as His Son and Daughter to be led by His Spirit. And even though many of you have tried to play the game of church politics, church popularity clubs and so on to fit in.. it is all to no avail because you are not called to fit in but to stand out! YOU are marked for a greater Purpose than Christianity packaged in mere carnality. You have been marked for GLORY, you have been marked for signs and wonders and also the price that goes with it!


The Lord says: “Will you share in My sufferings to share in My Glory? Will you share in the sufferings of being misunderstood, rejected, judged, condemned, even for my name sake? For to those who are called must suffer these things. For to those who are called to be freedom bearers for my Kingdom will endure such persecution”.

I hear the thoughts in the hearts of many that have been walking these trials and tribulations, saying, “But Lord I cant pay this price, it’s too high, too much for me to bear”. But the Lord would want to encourage your heart that He knows the greatness below the feebleness of your weaknesses, and His words to you are , “My strength has to be made perfect within your weakness, this is part of the process, coming to the end of yourself, not once but as many times as it takes to breakthrough into destiny. This is the process of metamorphosis, this is the struggle from the cocoon to the new creature of the butterfly. And as the scriptures says in Romans 8:18 “ For I consider that the sufferings of this present time (this present life) are not worth being compared with the glory that is about to be revealed to us and in us and for us and conferred on us!”


There is a coming Glory that eye has not seen nor ear heard about what the Lord has prepared for those that LOVE Him! (1Cor 2:9) For it is impossible to Love Him without first being Loved BY HIM. So this promise is for those who have said yes to the Jealous Fire of His Love to uproot everything that can be shaken so His Kingdom may remain. ‬‬(Hebrews 12:28-29). FOR THESE DAYS AHEAD WILL REQUIRE UNWAVERING STEADFASTNESS, GREAT DISCERNMENT AND COMPLETE TRUST. This is that which is forged in the Fire.

THIS Glory is reserved for those who have allowed their roots to go down deep in the love of God. Who have allowed the Lord to uproot those things in their lives that would cause their faith to be compromised. Those things that could fold under pressure and not endure. Those things that are enemies to their faith, that cause a swaying to and fro by winds of adversity and opposing circumstances. Those things that cause them to be unfaithful in their walk with the Lord and become friends of the world. Those things that cause their feet to run to evil to fulfill only that which HE CAN!! These are the ones who will share in the Glory, the ones who allow Him to GO THERE with the fire of His Love and burn up the enemies of their soul, because our enemies are His enemies. And the word says that Fire goes before Him and burns up all His enemies! (psalm 97:3).


Count it all joy my beloved when you enter into trials and temptations for my names sake… for the testing of your faith brings forth Character like Gold refined in the fire. (1 Peter 1:6-7, Romans 5:3-5, James 1:2-4).

This faith is more precious than Gold, because unlike Gold, faith cannot be purchased by mere natural currency, this kind of faith is purchased in the Fire of surrendering ones will to the ONE who made them. This kind of faith purchased in such fire of surrender is the kind of faith that moves mountains, and is born of God, THIS IS THE FAITH THAT OVERCOMES THE WORLD. (1 John 5:4)

I hear many of the Lords people rejoicing in days to come, understanding that He could see what they couldn’t and in all His infinite wisdom knew better all along. For what He knew they needed to be equiped with for the task ahead was beyond what they could see through the process. All will make sense soon enough.


For this is a generation marked in the fire. Purified like Gold, marked and branded with the divine nature and character of God that Gold represents.

The sons and daughters that are being forged in the fire even now are ones who will come forth radiating the manifested character and Glory of God. For His character is forged through fire. These ones will have the capacity to carry the weight of the Glory needed for the task that lies ahead in these coming days.


Anita Alexander is a prophetic revivalist who has a heart for revival, healing and transformation. Motivated by an intense love for the Body of Christ, Anita's passion and compassion is to see the Church forsake religion and tradition, awaken to the Father's love and arise and walk in the overcoming identity as sons and daughters of the Kingdom. Anita and her husband Dr. Sasha Alexander travel nationally and internationally ministering in revival fire that brings resurrection life, healing and awakening to the Body of Christ. Together their passion is to impart, raise up and release a generation of sons and daughters who manifest the glorious victory of the finished work of the Cross and demonstrate their true overcoming identity. They are co-founders and senior ministers of Revival Flame Ministries, Golden City Church, and University of the Spirit Ministry Training School and reside in Gold Coast, Astralia.

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