Learn to rule your finances in 2019! Get God’s plan to prosper and bless you, so you can take financial dominion once and for all!
You have control. It may not seem that way at times, but that’s how God designed it. From the beginning, dominion was His plan for you—over the earth and everything in it (Genesis 1:28). Though Satan once stole this position, God returned to us our position through Jesus’ victory, ensuring our dominion and authority over sickness, disease, strife, poverty, lack and anything else under the curse.
When it comes to money, do you feel like you have financial dominion and authority over your finances? Or do bills, debt and work-related troubles seem to rule you instead? The world, the media and everyone around you seem to be under the weight of constant financial pressure. Even worse, they make you feel like you should be, too.
Consider this question: Have you accepted financial pressure, lack, debt and even poverty as a normal part of life?
Maybe you have a history of poverty or lack in your family, a long streak of lost opportunities, or debt that seems insurmountable. These are all areas of attack the enemy uses to dethrone God’s people from a position of dominion. If you’ve been there long enough, it may have become a way of life for you—something you can’t seem to push past in your expectation.
We have good news! No matter what your situation—you can have all God desires for you in the area of finances, and you can take financial dominion. You can be debt free, live in an overflow, give extravagantly, and rise to new levels in your career. He gives you power to get wealth because He made a covenant with you to do so (Deuteronomy 8:18).
Are you ready to take back the financial dominion that belongs to you? When you understand the covenant, walk in obedience to God’s Word concerning finances, and resist any attempt to knock you out of position, you will know how to take financial dominion once and for all.
Here are five requirements for walking in Kingdom financial dominion.
Sep 15 2024
Awakening House of Prayer | 10:47AM
Awakening House of Prayer