
You may have struggled with why you are different, but understanding your calling will help you to press deeper into it.

By Jennifer LeClaire

Are you a prophetic intercessor?

 There are sure signs that you are a bit different than other intercessors and prayer warriors. If you are operating in several of these nine ways, it's a sign that you are moving in the realm of prophetic intercession.

Get some education, inspiration, and equipping in this short video and receive this strategic prayer by faith that will help you walk in your calling.

If you want to connect with other prophetic intercessors, consider joining me in the Ignite network. You can find out more information about Ignite at http://www.ignitenow.org.

If you want more teaching along these lines, check out my book, Waging Prophetic Warfare in my store here: https://goo.gl/qu6Fxn

 Jennifer LeClaire former editor of Charisma magazine, senior leader of Awakening House of Prayer in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, founder of the Ignite Network and founder of the Awakening Blaze prayer movement. She is author of over 25 books. Find her online at jenniferleclaire.org or email her at [email protected].


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