A Night of Miracles: Keith Ellis on Sid Roth’s It’s Supernatural!

A Night of Miracles: Keith Ellis on Sid Roth’s It’s Supernatural!

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On this episode of Sid Roth’s It’s Supernatural, Dr. Keith Ellis joined Sid Roth on October 15, 2015 for a special live broadcast of “A Night of Miracles!” If you or a friend need a miracle or just encouragement, this is your moment! Now get ready to receive your miracle — your breakthrough — your healing as you watch “A Night of Miracles!”

“I promised we would have more healing’s and miracles before our last live TV show with Dr. Keith Ellis. God backed up His word! Not only did we have more miracles than any show in history but many reports of angelic visitations. The same Presence of God is on the video. If you need a healing, want to experience His tangible Presence or just want a spiritual boost watch this video.” – Sid Roth

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