
He's preparing you for greater!

By Dana Jarvis

In a vision today, the Lord began to show me rows upon rows of trees. Some were bent, but still standing. Some were missing branches from passing storms, but they still stood tall. Not one of them had fallen to the ground. It was then I heard the scripture from Psalms.

“The righteous shall flourish like the palm tree, he shall grow like a cedar in Lebanon!” (Psalms 92:12)

These trees started out small and unable to stand very well, but they have adapted to the changing seasons. The winds and the fire that have come against these trees has caused them to stand stronger. It has taught them to grow in every season and to learn of only Gods ways and not that of man. They have learned to bend in the wind and bow in the fire. They knew that no matter what, the Lord was working out a far more excellent way. With each passing trial, they reached toward the Son while refusing to let the things of this world hold their branches down. They flourish in a living water that never runs dry. They push past all these things trying to block them so their roots will immerse deeper into the water of his Spirit.

Their branches are a place of safety and refuge to some just beginning. These trees are so in love with their Maker that they desire nothing else. They have come to know their Master's voice well and follows no other. They will not be tricked by the whispering lies of the enemy. Nothing can bring them down!

These trees I speak about that the Lord so vividly showed to me are his chosen ones, his remnant. They have laid down their lives and taken up a cross. Their innermost desire is to be with their Beloved never to be separated. Their hearts beat his name! These are the ones who have pressed on, they been beaten, but kept going. They have been bent over by pressures, but they stood back up. They are the conduits of which the powerful water of life will flow out to others who are thirsty. These are the ones preparing the way of the Lord.This remnant is reserved to him alone and will not bow to a Babylonian system. They cling to his word and drink of his living water. They are the trees of righteousness in the garden of the Lord growing right where they have been planted.

For many I am speaking to right now, you have been bent by the winds of adversity, your branches has been battered by the storms to the point you feel so bare. You feel like the waves will sweep over you at any moment. Be encouraged for you are one of these mighty trees in this vision. You may bend, but you will not break! You may have been battered, but you will stand tall. The waves nor the fire will come near to you. You are planted by a river where you shall flourish even in the midst of trials.

There is something happening right now! Do you hear the sound of the wind blowing in the treetops? Do you feel something shifting as your roots are going deeper. That is the call of your Master as he is preparing you for greater!

I hear the Lord say, “Feeling Bent and Broken, you will flourish!”


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