
There's a renewed hunger being stirred in the hearts of believers.

By Holly Watson

For two days I’ve been hearing the lyrics of a popular worship song replay in my spirit. Let your fire fall. Let your wind blow. Let your Glory fall down…..


A shift is happening in the Body of Christ! There’s a renewed hunger being stirred in the hearts of believers. There's a new sound reaching to the Throne Room of Heaven saying, “We won’t settle for less, Lord. We want more of Your Glory (Ex. 33:18)!”


When the promise of the Holy Spirit came to the disciples as they gathered in the upper room, scripture says they were all together in one accord (Acts 2:1). To do something in one accord means to come together collectively and in agreement with the same goal and purpose. Being in one accord reflects a selfless posture of the heart while being in unison with the Holy Spirit. When the Presence of the Holy Spirit fell through fire in the upper room, the disciples were positioned to receive what the Lord had promised. It was through unity that the Wind of the Spirit shifted the atmosphere where the disciples were waiting in expectation for their promise; to one of manifestation, where Holy Ghost fire appeared. Unity ushered in a supernatural move of God and awakened a generation to the Power of the Holy Spirit through the hands of the disciples. 


The Spirit of the Lord is knitting hearts together in unity and through hunger, setting the stage for a fresh move of FIRE, WIND, AND GLORY to ascend upon the Body of Christ. The Breath of God is ushering in a fiery passion that won’t be quenched by the traditions of man or through the works of the flesh. A move of the Spirit of God like none other having the trademark of an invasion of Holy Ghost Fire is beginning to erupt. Where hearts are burning, the Glory of the Lord is descending. Where the Presence of God is being hosted, a new baptism of Holy Ghost Fire is falling (Matthew 3:11)! A spirit of unity is birthing a movement of Glory Carriers baptized with fresh fire!  


When the Day of Pentecost had fully come, they were all with one accord in one place. And suddenly there came a sound from heaven, as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled the whole house where they were sitting. Then there appeared to them divided tongues, as of fire, and one sat upon each of them. And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance. Acts 2:1-4




Through several dreams and an encounter I had with the Lord, I saw Houses of Worship being filled with Holy Ghost fire. I saw Jesus – The Man of Fire – blazing through with His fiery love calling His people to return to their first love (Ezekiel 8:2, Song of Solomon 8:6, Matthew 7:23, Rev. 2:4). Where hearts were yielded and surrendered to the love of the Father, a lost generation was awakened by the Father's love and through His saving grace (Romans 10:13, Acts 2:21). A new move of the Spirit had brought many prodigals out of hiding and into the Arms of Jesus. A purifying of the flesh produced a new breed of hearts on fire for the Lord. Where sin abounded, the love of God increased even more (Romans 5:20). Where repentant hearts turned towards the love of the Father, the baptism of Holy Ghost and fire brought an outpouring of the Spirit to the streets and cities across our Nation. The Spirit of the Lord moved to anoint a new breed of fiery Apostles, Prophets, and Evangelists who carried Holy Ghost Fire and power. The Word of the Lord through these fiery vessels would be the catapult sparking a new FIRE, WIND, and GLORY outpouring. 




Recently while I was preparing to minister to a local Body of Believers, Holy Spirit quickened my heart for several days through the scripture verse from Proverbs 3:5; Lean not on your own understanding (Proverbs 3:5). The Message version says it like this, Don't try to figure everything out on your own. The ways of God are not the ways of man (Isaiah 55:8-9). The Spirit of the Lord moves like the Wind and we know not where He goes (John 3:8). We’re moving into a season where our own understanding won't be able to explain all the ways the Spirit of the Lord is moving. On the day of Pentecost when the disciples were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues, the men of Jerusalem couldn't wrap their mind around the sounds that they were hearing and the sights they were perceiving. God used the mystery of His ways as a platform to awaken the hearts of a people to salvation. A move of the Holy Spirit through WIND and FIRE brought the Name of Lord Glory! 

A new move of FIRE, WIND, and GLORY is breaking forth in the Body of Christ! Hungry hearts who are gathered together in one accord will see an outpouring of Holy Ghost Fire like never before. As the spirit of burning moves throughout the Church, a pure Bride will arise and shine with the Glory of the Lord upon her (Isaiah 4:4, Isaiah 60:1-2). A Company of Burning Ones are on the scene crying out, Lord show us Your Glory! 

Holly and her husband Frank co-founded KRGO Ministries as a result of the prophetic Word reaching the Nations through their website. Holly is a Prophetic Voice and revivalist throughout the Body of Christ. Her passion is to share the Heart of the Father with today’s Church and to equip this generation to be Kingdom-minded and end-time prepared. Holly’s desire is to see every person walk in liberty and freedom in Christ and to awaken the gifts, calling, and assignments the Father has for each of His Children at this hour.

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