
Position yourself to receive the glory of God.

By Dawn Hill

As I stood with my arms stretched high above my head in surrender one morning, I heard the Holy Spirit say to me, “Erect the lightning rods.” It was an unusual thing to hear, and I saw an internal picture of individuals standing with their arms raised in surrender to the Lord. I saw people positioned as spiritual lightning rods, people ready to receive the lightnings of heaven that usher in glory and the strikes of the enemy that would attempt to bring harm. You will see what I mean as you read on.

A lightning rod is a metal rod placed atop buildings and houses. Its function is to protect that structure from lightning strikes. If lightning were to hit the building, it would strike the rod and pass through a wire connected to the ground. Lightning rods require a connection to the earth in order to perform their protective function. The lightning rod creates a path of least resistance by which the heat of the lightning cannot damage the building or injure an individual.

God conductors of the lightning

I found myself thinking about the Israelites' encounter with God and the thunder and lightning in Exodus 20:18-19 and their response. The Word says, “Now when all the people saw the thunder and the flashes of lightning and the sound of the trumpet and the mountain smoking, the people were afraid and trembled, and they stood far off and said to Moses, “You speak to us, and we will listen; but do not let God speak to us, lest we die.” In that moment, Moses became the lightning rod for his people. He was willing to be close to God and to enter that atmosphere. He was willing to intercede for his people. He was grounded in knowing God's ways. He was the path of least resistance from judgment while remaining connected in the midst of the storm. He positioned himself to receive the glory of God.

The Israelites wanted nothing to do with the elements that reflected the atmosphere around His throne. They feared what they did not understand. Some things never change. They were content in keeping a safe distance, but what they did not realize was that this decision reflected the material of their being. You see, if lightning strikes a material that is found to be a poor conductor, that material will suffer massive heat damage. Lightning strikes can be fatal.

We must be found consisting of good material conducive for contact with the lightnings of heaven. This comes by embracing the revelation that we were made to be in His Presence and to manifest the glory of God. When you desire to operate in the glory of God, you won't concern yourself about dying in His Presence. You will stand, arms lifted high in sweet surrender, welcoming the lightning to hit you because you recognize it means knowing his ways and not just his deeds. The church needs to be found as a God conductor for His manifest Presence.

As I think on what the Holy Spirit is saying about lightning rods, I hear the call for intercessors to maintain their posts in the house of God. You are called not only to operate in the glory of God, but you are mandated to receive the strikes of the enemy against the house of God and to intercede. What I mean by strikes is intercepting the attacks in the midst of a spiritual storm. As you remain properly grounded to the Word and connected to the house, those attacks go through the path of least resistance so that damage does not come to the house or to the people of that house. It is not to say that attacks do not come, but the power of intercession cannot and should not be underestimated. We know the greatest intercessor, Jesus Christ.

Where there is thunder, there is lightning

It is possible to have lightning without thunder, but it is not possible to have thunder without lightning. I have often wondered why Jesus called John and James the sons of thunder (Mark 3:17). It occurred to me one day while reading Revelation 4 that John as a son of thunder was invited to stand at the throne of heaven in the midst of the lightning and thunder. The testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy (Revelation 19:10). What God declares over you will manifest when you position yourself in His timing.

I believe that just as the Lord is speaking to the intercessors about being spiritual lightning rods and even speaking to us as a body to be God conductors for His lightning, He is speaking to the men in this hour to rise up and to be named among those like John as sons of thunder. These sons of thunder will have spent time with Jesus. They will have laid their head upon His chest, the Living Word. They will have spent time in the secret place. The secret place is not reserved for women. It is the place of hearing His heartbeat and hearing the rumbles from around the throne. It is the place of intimacy and equipping, of love letters and marching orders. Sons of thunder bring the lightning with them because where there is thunder, there is lightning. We need Godly men in this hour who manifest the glory of God and are familiar with the atmosphere of heaven.

However this word ministers to you today, I encourage you to make one resolution and that is to be found as one who does not shy away from the lightnings of God and His glory.

Dawn Hill is a prophetic voice and writer known as the Lovesick Scribe. Her ministry focuses on passionately pursuing the Bridegroom while encouraging others to do the same. She serves at Impact HUB in Bristol, Virginia, training and equipping fellow believers to hear the voice of God and to function in the gift of prophecy. She resides in Virginia with her husband and daughter.

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