Seeing Warfare in the Spirit: Leaning into the Seer Anointing

Seeing Warfare in the Spirit: Leaning into the Seer Anointing

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If God pulled back the veil of the natural world, you would see a fierce battle raging in the spirit realm. You would see angels and demons locked in combat, contending for the will of God to be manifested in the earth. You would witness the warfare over your destiny, your family, your city, and even your nation. This spiritual reality is more intense and significant than what our natural eyes can comprehend. But God, in His mercy, allows some of us to glimpse into this realm through the seer anointing.

The Seer Anointing: Unveiling the Unseen

The seer anointing is a special grace given by God to see beyond the natural and into the spiritual realm. Prophets like Elisha carried this anointing, and through it, they discerned the hidden workings of God and the enemy. Remember the story in 2 Kings 6:17, when Elisha’s servant panicked because he saw the army surrounding them? Elisha prayed, “Lord, open his eyes that he may see.” Suddenly, the young man’s eyes were opened, and he saw the mountains full of horses and chariots of fire—God’s angelic armies prepared for battle.

God’s desire is for His people to walk in discernment, to perceive the spiritual atmospheres and battles around them. He wants to open our eyes, like Elisha’s servant, so we can see the angelic hosts fighting on our behalf and the demonic forces that try to oppose us.

The Battle in the Spirit Realm

If God were to lift the veil right now, you might see warfare raging over your life. You might see demonic spirits attempting to sow seeds of doubt, fear, or discouragement, trying to steal, kill, and destroy the purposes God has for you (John 10:10). These spirits often work in darkness, hoping to go unnoticed. But when you lean into the seer anointing, God begins to reveal their activity, exposing their tactics.

You may also see angels fighting for you—ministering spirits sent to serve those who will inherit salvation (Hebrews 1:14). These angelic beings engage in combat, wielding the sword of the Lord to protect and advance God’s purposes in your life. When you understand that there are more with you than against you (2 Kings 6:16), your faith is strengthened, and you stand firm in spiritual warfare.

Seeing the Spirits That Attack

God can show you the specific spirits attacking you or those around you. Whether it’s a spirit of fear, infirmity, Jezebel, or deception, God reveals these things not to scare you but to empower you to pray effectively. He desires to equip you to fight with precision. As Paul wrote, “We do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places” (Ephesians 6:12).

When you recognize the enemy’s strategies through spiritual sight, you can wield the sword of the Spirit with greater authority. God will give you insight on how to pray, what scriptures to declare, and when to release decrees. He shows you these things because He has already given you the victory. You are not fighting for victory; you are fighting from a place of victory.

The Purpose of Seeing Warfare

God doesn’t show us warfare in the spirit to make us feel overwhelmed; He shows it to mobilize us. When He reveals an attack, it’s an invitation to pray, to stand firm, and to declare His Word. Seeing in the spirit is a privilege and a responsibility. The Lord trusts those with seer vision to be watchmen on the wall (Ezekiel 3:17), standing in the gap and praying heaven’s will into the earth.

If you are gifted with the seer anointing, remember that God has positioned you for such a time as this. Be alert, be vigilant, and be sensitive to the Spirit’s leading. The battle is real, but greater is He who is in you than he who is in the world (1 John 4:4).

The spiritual realm is dynamic, filled with activity that impacts our daily lives. If God opens your eyes to see into this realm, don’t shrink back. Lean into the seer anointing. Pray with authority. Stand on the Word. Declare His promises. And remember, no matter how fierce the battle looks, the victory belongs to the Lord.

May God open your eyes to see, your ears to hear, and your spirit to discern what is happening in the heavenly places. You are called to be more than a conqueror, walking in the revelation of what He shows you.

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