
Recently I received a dream in which a large warrior angel appeared to me in the full armor of God. This was followed by a powerful encounter in which I was instructed to call forth guardian warrior angels and the shields of the Lord to guard the borders of the United States in this hour.

It was a normal Monday night and I was at my home alone in Franklin, TN. The next day in the United States was a pivotal midterm election day on November 6th.  As I prepared for bed, I prayed for the elections the next day and found my heart and mind turned towards the caravan of migrant people approaching the U.S. southern border. I was carrying the burden of the Lord for the people’s safety and well-being on both sides of the debate and the dilemma.

As I fell asleep, the legitimate enormity of the problem rested upon me. So I responded by lifting a cry to the only One who has a solution for all of our needs. My prayer was simple, yet heart felt. “Help, Lord! Send help! Send Your helpers!”  I wondered why I prayed what I did, but I knew better than to question my phraseology at this point and time. Somehow I knew I was aligning with God’s heart and was tapping into His answer by asking for “His helpers” to be released. Eventually I drifted off to sleep.

Then I Had a “Suddenly”

I was given a dream where a large warrior angel came to visit me dressed in the full armor of God. It’s shield seemed to glisten and yet had smoke rolling off of it as though it has just been used in a battle to extinguish fiery arrows of the powers of darkness. Though I was still asleep, I knew I had met this protector angel once before.

My “knower” knew this was the same angel that had visited me right after the infamous 9/11 attacks on New York City and Washington D.C. At that time, I was told to call forth the “Homeland Security Border Patrol Guard” and to pray Psalm 91 for 40 days around every port city and place of entrance to the United States of America. I had responded with a Cry for Prayer in that season as thousands of believers joined with me in crisis intervention through intercession.

Suddenly I was awakened out of this vivid warfare dream at 3:33 AM. Jeremiah 33:3 was illuminated within me where it states, “Call upon Me and I will show you great and mighty things which you do not know.” My bedroom was filled with the tangible presence of the “fear of the Lord” as instructions were given to me.

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