When the Spiritual Warfare is Overwhelming … Rest

When the Spiritual Warfare is Overwhelming … Rest

The idea of rest in warfare may seem like a contradiction. In the thick of spiritual battles, rest might appear as a luxury we can’t afford. But here’s the divine irony: true victory in warfare flows from a place of supernatural rest. It’s a peace that defies human understanding and sends tremors through the enemy’s camp.

Can we truly rest in the midst of warfare? Absolutely, we can, and we must. God is calling us to enter into His rest, not just as a refuge but as a powerful stance of victory. Let’s explore why this supernatural rest is a weapon against our adversary and how the shoes of peace fit perfectly into God’s strategy to put Satan under our feet.

Check out my course, Resting in Spiritual Warfare, here.

Is It Possible to Rest in Warfare?

Rest and warfare might seem like polar opposites, but in the Kingdom, God’s ways are often the reverse of what we expect. Ephesians 6:10 tells us to “be strong in the Lord and in His mighty power.” But this strength isn’t one of striving; it’s one of abiding. The “secret” here is that our strength comes not from fighting harder but from standing firmer in His promises.

Hebrews 4:9-10 says, “There remains, then, a Sabbath-rest for the people of God; for anyone who enters God’s rest also rests from their works, just as God did from His.” This rest isn’t passive; it’s powerful. In fact, it’s from this place of spiritual rest that we gain the clarity, wisdom, and divine strategy to win the battles in front of us.

To rest in warfare means to lean fully into God’s power, not our own. It’s to remember that while we engage, we’re not fighting alone. The battle belongs to the Lord (2 Chronicles 20:15). Our role is to trust Him, to stand on His promises, and to walk in His peace—even as we press through the heat of spiritual battle.

Why Seek His Rest During Warfare?

When we seek His rest in the midst of warfare, we are essentially saying, “God, I trust You more than I trust what I see.” In moments of spiritual conflict, rest shows our confidence in His strength rather than our own striving.

Psalm 23:5 illustrates this beautifully when David declares, “You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies.” In other words, God provides peace and nourishment in the middle of opposition. By seeking His rest, we testify to the spiritual realm that our security isn’t rooted in our circumstances but in our unshakable God.

Rest reminds us of our identity in Christ as sons and daughters of God, seated in heavenly places with Him (Ephesians 2:6). It’s from this vantage point that we can see clearly, act confidently, and strike strategically. When we stand firm in His peace, the enemy loses his grip on us. We are no longer reacting to the devil’s every move but are firmly rooted in God’s truth and promises.

Romans 16:20 is a powerful promise: “The God of peace will soon crush Satan under your feet.” Notice, it’s the “God of peace” who does the crushing. There is power in peace! When we walk in the rest and peace of God, we participate in His triumph over the enemy. Our position of peace under God’s authority is what brings the enemy under our feet.

The act of crushing Satan under our feet is not a matter of human force but of divine alignment. When we stand firmly in His peace, Satan loses his foothold. He can’t disrupt our minds or hearts when they are guarded by God’s peace (Philippians 4:7). The enemy is defeated not through anxiety or aggression but through an unshakeable assurance in God’s promises.

Warfare That Rests in God’s Power

So, can we rest in warfare? Not only can we, but we must. This supernatural rest equips us to fight more effectively. When we enter His rest, we embrace His strategy, strength, and supernatural peace. We put on the shoes of peace, knowing that He will crush Satan under our feet. We stop striving in our own strength and stand firmly in His power.

Remember, true rest in warfare is standing strong in God’s peace, declaring to the enemy, “You have no hold here.” We stand unmoved, knowing that the God of peace fights for us and through us. And as we rest, we see His victory manifest in every battle we face. Let your rest be your resistance, your peace be your weapon, and your confidence in Him be unshakeable.

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