
Is There An Orphan Within?

For many individuals it is something that we don't want to acknowledge, but there is a reality in which many people struggle, both in the Body of Christย as well as in the world, and that struggle is rooted in an Orphan Spirit.ย By โ€œorphanโ€, I am referring to a struggle...
Prophecy: Itโ€™s Time to Leave Your Past in the Dust

Prophecy: Itโ€™s Time to Leave Your Past in the Dust

In his classic novel A Tale of Two Cities, British writer Charles Dickens opened his books with words that I can relate to: “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times.” I don’t know about you, but that describes my 2016.

There were tremendous breakthroughs, but there was also tremendous warfare. There were many new kingdom relationships formed, but some were also lost to spiritual combat. There were many new doors of opportunity, but there was also tremendous pressure! I’ve learned we do more spiritual growing during the hard times than we do during the easy times—and God is faithful.

Every year at this time I look back on the last 12 months. I take account of the good times and the bad times—I thank God. And then I declare that the coming year is going to be my year! As part of this process, though, I am also careful to leave the past in the past. I know if I want to freely walk through the divine doors God is setting before me I need to leave the pain of the past season behind. See, I take God at His Word:

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Did 2016โ€™s Prophetic Words Ring True?

Did 2016โ€™s Prophetic Words Ring True?

In the days and weeks ahead, prophetic voices around the world will release prophecies for 2017. You'll read a handful of them on the “Prophetic Insight” section of charismamag.com. I already released mine about the angels of abundant harvest.

But before we charge ahead to weigh prophetic mandates, directives and warnings for 2017, let's take a minute to look back at the prophetic words declared over 2016. After all, you can't always limit God's words to a 12-month timeline.

As I've said before, it's possible that some 2016 prophecies won't be relevant for years and others will remain relevant for years to come. So, again, before we move on to the next new prophetic word, let's review what prophetic voices declared last year and respond according to His Spirit.

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5 More Important Prophetic Ministry Protocols

5 More Important Prophetic Ministry Protocols

Prophecy is a vital ministry in the body of Christ. Every believer can prophesy and some do, but many struggle to discern the voice of the Lord. Many others do not understand simple protocols for prophetic ministry because they have not been rightly trained, despite the Ephesians 4:11 mandate for five-fold prophets to equip the saints for the work for the ministry.

In my Issachar Institute’s School of the Prophets earlier this month, we discussed prophetic protocols and guidelines. I shared with you in the past 10 important prophetic ministry protocols and many rogue prophets went into attack mode suggesting protocols are not in the Bible. I would urge any of those who take that stance to read 1 Corinthians 14, where you’ll discover Paul setting order in a church where the gifts were flowing freely but maturity was sometimes lacking.

God is not a God of confusion but of peace (1 Corinthians 14:33). Prophetic operations without protocol can often generate confusion, chaos and even damage people’s faith. Prophets are oracles and mouthpieces for God, yet some of what comes out of people’s mouths in His name can be self-willed, self-promotional witchcraft. We must be willing to submit our prophetic ministry to elders for accountability, especially when the word may cause shock or stir people in the body.

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Merry Apocalypse: False Prophetic Voice Predicts World Will End Before 2017

Merry Apocalypse: False Prophetic Voice Predicts World Will End Before 2017

It’s the end of the world as we know it. Or at least that’s what one Christian scientist is insisting.

Her prognostication concludes 6,000 of sin is almost over—and that Christ will return for His glorious bride before 2016 is over. Nora Roth shares her false prophetic insights on The Mark of the Beast explained blog.

This conspiracy theory fodder is based in massively complex calculations about God’s clocks of the sevens.

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False Prophet Makes Ill Victims Drink Disinfectant for Miracle Healing

False Prophet Makes Ill Victims Drink Disinfectant for Miracle Healing

Call it a trend. I read earlier this week about a South African pastor who sprays his congregants with insecticide in the name of curing what ails them. Health authorities have intervened but apparently a false prophet down the street didn't get the message.

“Prophet” Rufus Phala encouraged his church members drink Dettol, a disinfectant, in order to receive a healing. That’s according to Punch. In case you aren’t familiar, Dettol is a liquid antiseptic and disinfectant that has the potential to cause lethal toxicity.

“I know Dettol is harmful, but God instructed me to use it,” the false prophet said in a video South Africa’s Daily Sun ran. “I was the first one to drink it.”

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Dutch Sheets Shares Prophetic Vision of John Knox and Godโ€™s Mercy

Dutch Sheets Shares Prophetic Vision of John Knox and Godโ€™s Mercy

During Chuck Pierce’s Head of the Year conference in October, something shifted. Chuck released a prophesy over Dutch about visiting strategic sites in America before the election and he set out on a tour to pray in 12 cities.

But Dutch just shared something else significant that I did not know. A trusted prophet friend of his had a vision of John Knox, a Scottish clergyman and leader of the Protestant Reformation in the 1500's, standing behind him.

“In his day, evangelicals in Scotland were routinely burned at the stake and their Bibles incinerated. Knox himself was imprisoned and enslaved for his involvement in the Reformation. Undeterred, he continued his stand, praying every day, ‘Lord, give me Scotland or I die!,’ Dutch says. “Knox's prayers were answered. This great reformer was used by God to transform the church and revive the country. Queen Mary of Scotland, fiercely opposed to the Reformation, once said of him, ‘I fear the prayers of John Knox more than all the assembled armies in Europe.’

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2017 Prophecy: The Lord Is Releasing the Angels of Abundant Harvest

2017 Prophecy: The Lord Is Releasing the Angels of Abundant Harvest

This is one of the most profound prophetic words I have ever received, second only to what the Lord told me in 2007 about a Great Awakening coming to this nation. In September, the Lord spoke these words to me:

An abundant harvest is at hand. I am releasing angels of abundant harvest into the nation. You will reap what you have sown. This is a double-edged sword.

Where the enemy has resisted your harvest in years past, you will see a multiplication effect of blessing in your life. Doors will open unto you that no man can open. Opportunities will come your way that you never dreamed, imagined or even thought to ask for. Provision will enter your life from unexpected places.

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Rick Joyner Shares Prophecies That Signal Rise of Glorious Church

Rick Joyner Shares Prophecies That Signal Rise of Glorious Church

Lance Wallnau prophesied early that Donald Trump would be like the biblical King Cyrus of Persia. of Isaiah 45, and become the 45th president of the United States.

At least part of that prediction is true. Trump has risen as America’s 45th president, but it remains to be seen if he will emerge as one like King Cyrus.

Rick Joyner is asking two clear questions: What is it about Cyrus that is a parallel to Trump? What can we therefore expect from his administration? Joyner then goes on to offer some prophetic insight:

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Chuck Pierce Prophesies โ€˜Short, 10-Year Windowโ€™ in the Nations

Chuck Pierce Prophesies โ€˜Short, 10-Year Windowโ€™ in the Nations

Chuck Pierce is calling the month ahead “critical.” I sense this urgency in my spirit also, and encourage you to partner with him in declaring what heaven is declaring in alignment and unity with heaven.

Chuck perceives the heavens are declaring the glory of God, according to Psalm 19. Our response, he says, should be to meditate on the glory all month and watch for glory interactions wherever you are.

On Nov. 27, Chuck says the Lord told him, “The next 10 days are critical.”

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What the Presidential Election Revealed About the State of the Prophetic Movement

What the Presidential Election Revealed About the State of the Prophetic Movement

Early in the morning on Election Day, I released a prophetic word titled: On Election Day, a Kingdom Will be Toppled. The next morning, the Holy Spirit told me the Jezebel curse has been broken off America.

With that, Brandon Showalter, a Bethel graduate and a new reporter over at the Christian Post, called to talk to me about the prophetic ministry in light of the presidential election. Below is part of that discussion from his article: What Was the Role of Prophecy in the 2016 Election?

“I think one of the reasons why people have disregarded many modern prophetic voices is because of the clamor and the renegade people who call themselves prophets who aren't really prophets; or those who are really immature prophets who aren't letting their words be judged before releasing them and therefore missing it badly.”

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Donald Trump Assassination Threats Blow Up Twitter

Donald Trump Assassination Threats Blow Up Twitter

At least one prophetic voice has already come out with a stern warning about an assassination attempt on President-Elect Donald Trump’s life.

Not to be glib, but it doesn’t take a prophet to see that the Trump assassination theories have serious potential. Vandalism, calls for violence, protests and even riots are breaking out in the streets with chants of “die whites die.”

I’ve been called names I forgot existed for releasing a word about the church rising up in a Jehu anointing and throwing Jezebel down and it had nothing to do with Trump.

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Prophecy: After Wicked Kingdom Toppledโ€”Jezebel Curse Broken Off America

Prophecy: After Wicked Kingdom Toppledโ€”Jezebel Curse Broken Off America

In the 1990s, a Jezebel curse was released over our nation. Today, it is broken.

Early Tuesday morning, I released a dream and a prophetic word—Prophecy On Election Day, a Kingdom Will Be Toppled. The word was as clear as anything I’ve ever heard the Lord say. I felt in my spirit I knew exactly what He meant but that’s all He said, so I avoided prophetic presumption, watched and waited with the rest of the nation.

Looking at the electoral map this morning—mostly bright red—I’m overwhelmed with the reality that the blood of Jesus is sufficient for the sins of America.

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Prophecy: On Election Day, a Kingdom Will Be Toppled

Prophecy: On Election Day, a Kingdom Will Be Toppled

Some people are convinced they know who the next president of the United States will be. Some respected prophetic voices have publicly prophesied Bible parallels that certainly make sense to many spiritual minds. Other extremely accurate prophets are just as convinced they know who will be the next commander-in-chief but have not publicly declared their prophetic insight. 

People have contacted me with detailed dreams about Hillary Clinton becoming president and the chaos that would ensue. Others claim to have had clear visions of Donald Trump taking up residence in the White House. Still others insist Clinton will be arrested and Obama will not hand over the keys to the Oval Office, holding tight to the presidency and imposing martial law to deal with the violence in the streets.

I've never seen such a prophetic swirl over an election in my life. You probably haven't either. 

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Prophecy: I'm About to Ignite the Prophets

Prophecy: I'm About to Ignite the Prophets

I've been on a journey with the Lord this past year, wading through some disturbing issues in modern prophetic ministry. Although I see a lot of error and hype, I still believe wholeheartedly in the pure prophetic—and still see plenty of it. The Lord spoke these words to my heart in September, and I'm just now releasing them widely:

I'm about to ignite the prophets. Many have ignored the prophetic voices in this hour, but I'm about to set them on fire so the world can watch them burn with the message that's on My heart. Many have forsaken My prophetic voices in the season, but I'm about to raise them up in an undeniable way so that all can see that I have a voice, and I have a say, and I have a plan, and I have a purpose for My people and for this nation in the season.

So embrace My fire now as I pour it out upon you and understand that I am doing a new thing in the prophetic ministry. Some of the old ways are no longer working because they were seasonal. The new way will be fire, fire, fire. The new way will be intimacy with Me that demonstrates and manifests My love in the midst of the hard days. 

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Urgent Prophecy: London Is the Landing Page

Urgent Prophecy: London Is the Landing Page

When I stepped into the United Kingdom in September for the New Breed Revival Network conference, I clearly heard the Lord say, “London is the landing page.”

The “landing page” verbiage is essentially an allegory that speaks to me because of my media background. A landing page is a term used in conjunction with websites and has many purposes or functions. I believe London is the landing page of the European church. The Lord continued to give me downloads about the deeper meaning and even strategy for the prophetic voices and intercessors in the land.

1. A landing page is an entry point—it's a gateway. The Lord showed me the church in London must stand at the gates and decide what is allowed in and what is shut out of Europe's spiritual atmosphere. Church in London, God has given you authority as gatekeepers in the spirit to bind on Earth what is bound in heaven and loose on earth what is loosed in heaven, according to Matthew 16:19.

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