
6 Ways Offended People Attack You

6 Ways Offended People Attack You

When people are offended with you, they are like weapons in the enemy's hand. They attack you—and you can lose a lot.

Remember, an offended person has taken the bait of Satan so we should not be surprised when they start acting like the devil.

John Wesley said something that rings true to me: “People who wish to be offended will always find some occasion for taking offense.”

Here are six ways the spirit of offense attacks through people.

(Remember to get my course, Waging War on Offense, so you can learn to deal with this demon power that works to steal, kill and destroy your life! Visit here.

1. They give you the cold shoulder.

What is the cold shoulder? It’s an unfriendly attitude. They won’t make eye contact with you. They give you short answers when they must speak.

This is the beginning of the attack

2. They avoid you.

When people are offended with you, they don’t return your texts or phone calls. They may even walk the other way when they see you coming.

This is a form of punishment.

3. They make social media maneuvers.

Offended people may post content that low-key attacks you on social media. They may unfriend you or even block you.

This is a passive-aggressive attack.

4. They trash you to others.

Offended people start sharing “what you did” to them with other people. This can cause you to lose friends, opportunities, and promotions.

This is a higher-level attack.

5. They sabotage you.

As they grow more bitter toward you, offended people look for ways to sabotage you intentionally. They may flat-out lie about you to harm your relationships and your reputation.

This is an insidious attack.

6. They curse you.

They think evil thoughts about you and may even pray witchcraft prayers against you. This may cause a battle in your mind.

You don’t have to fall victim to offended people moving in wicked spirits. You can conquer this!

It’s time to wage war on offense.

Learn to deal with this demon power that works to steal, kill and destroy your life! Visit here.

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