
7 Ways to Break Strongholds of Sickness

7 Ways to Break Strongholds of Sickness

It’s one thing when the enemy attacks your mind. It’s another thing when he attacks your body.

But here’s the worst part: When he attacks your body, a mind attack comes with it. If there is a diagnosis, fearful imaginations hit your soul. If there’s pain, depressive thoughts can settle in. The enemy loves to launch the double-whammy. 

Among satanic strongholds that can manifest in a believer’s life, infirmity is one of the most difficult to deal with. The enemy convinces some Christians that God made them sick to teach them a lesson. That’s a lie from the pit of hell. God doesn’t have any sickness to give you and Jesus healed all who were oppressed by the devil. 

To effectively break the stronghold of infirmity, we must first understand what a stronghold is, recognize that God is not the author of sickness and disease, comprehend how such a stronghold forms, and embrace biblical strategies to dismantle it.

Understanding Strongholds

A stronghold, in a spiritual sense, is a fortified place where the enemy has a strong grip, influencing and oppressing the lives of believers. The Apostle Paul describes strongholds in 2 Corinthians 10:4-5, saying:

“The weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds, casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God.” 

Strongholds are essentially mental or emotional fortresses where certain thoughts, beliefs, or patterns of behavior dominate and control us contrary to God’s truth.

God is Not the Author of Sickness and Disease

It’s critical to have a solid revelation that God is not the author of sickness and disease. James 1:17 affirms that “Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows.”

God’s nature is to heal, restore, and bring life abundantly see (John 10:10). Sickness and disease entered the world through sin and the fall of man, but through Jesus Christ, we have access to divine healing and wholeness. Jesus died not just to save you, but to deliver you from sickness and disease.

Breaking the Stronghold of Infirmity

To break the stronghold of infirmity, we must engage in spiritual warfare with the mighty weapons God has provided. Here are key strategies to dismantle this stronghold:

  1. Renew Your Mind: Saturate your mind with God’s Word concerning healing. Romans 12:2 urges us to be transformed by the renewing of our minds. Meditate on scriptures like Isaiah 53:5, “By His stripes, we are healed,” and Psalm 103:2-3, which speaks of God forgiving all our sins and healing all our diseases.
  2. Prayer and Fasting: Engage in fervent prayer and fasting to seek God’s intervention. Jesus mentioned in Matthew 17:21 that some strongholds can only be broken through prayer and fasting.
  3. Confession and Repentance: Confess any known sin and repent. James 5:16 emphasizes confessing our sins to one another and praying for one another so that we may be healed.
  4. Declare God’s Promises: Speak life and healing over yourself. Proverbs 18:21 reminds us that the power of life and death is in the tongue. Declare healing scriptures daily and reject any thoughts or words that contradict God’s promises.
  5. Break Generational Curses: Renounce and break any generational curses or patterns of illness in Jesus’ name. Galatians 3:13 declares that Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law, being made a curse for us.
  6. Seek Deliverance: Sometimes, the stronghold of infirmity requires deliverance ministry. Seek out trusted spiritual leaders who can pray with you and help break the demonic oppression of sickness.
  7. Maintain Faith and Patience: Trust in God’s timing and remain steadfast in faith. Hebrews 6:12 encourages us to imitate those who through faith and patience inherit the promises.

Breaking the stronghold of infirmity sometimes requires us to hit it from every angle. We need to be rooted in the Word of God, empowered by the Holy Spirit, and executed with faith and perseverance. Remember, God’s will is for you to live in divine health and wholeness. Stand firm, resist the enemy, and walk in the freedom and healing that Christ has purchased for you.

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