
A Prophetic Word About Japan’s Spiritual Turning Point

A Prophetic Word About Japan’s Spiritual Turning Point

Japan is a nation in transition heading quickly to a turning point, for better or worse. What that turning point looks like depends, in part, on intercessors who understand how to legislate in the spirit.

With Japan’s former Foreign Minister Fumio Kishida stepping in as the Asian nation’s next prime minister, the country is getting a fresh start in many ways. But the success of his consensus-building leadership on the ground will depend as much on the prayers the saints lift up to heaven as it does on the advisors who surround him.

Beyond the economic revival many are hoping Kishida’s leadership will usher in, Japan is facing a spiritual crisis of mass proportions. The prime minister’s natural leadership skills will not lead the nation into a spiritual awakening. But God has his eye on Japan, and is looking for remnant intercessors to bear the burden of His Spirit for the nation. 

The Enemy is Targeting Japan

Francis Xavier, the first Christian missionary in Japan, entered the nation on July 27,1549 with a prophetic proclamation in his mouth. He said there was no nation more prepared to receive the good news of the gospel. 

Indeed, nearly 500 years later, Christians make up only 1 percent of Japan’s population. Despite Xavier’s optimism, Christianity never took off in Japan, which is steeped in religions such as Shinto, Japan’s earliest religion, Buddhism, and Confucianism. Christianity was altogether banned in Japan in 1614 until 1873. 

Japan’s economic downturn in the wake of the pandemic is nothing compared to what the enemy wants to do in the nation. Hitler, who carried an antichrist spirit, seduced Japan into entering the Axis alliance with Germany and Italy in World War II. The result, Hiroshima and Nagasaki were nearly destroyed by U.S.-launched atomic bombs.

Spiritual Atomic Bombs

The enemy is preparing to drop spiritual atomic bombs on the nation through a new measure of persecution against Japanese Christians, and a further gospel erosion. Souls are hanging in the balance, and a turning point is quickly approaching. The nation will further plunge into spiritual decline, or we will see a revival. And that, again, depends on the church.

I heard the Lord say, “Japan, Japan, how I long to rise among you. How I long to see your people come into My glorious Kingdom. I, the King of Glory, and calling you to My side. Rise up and intercede for your nation before dark enemy forces invade and erode the root of Christianity. 

“You have the authority to engage in territorial warfare that allows My gospel to penetrate the hearts and souls of your people who are walking in darkness even now. Choose to pray, and listen for My instruction. I am calling you to war and the spoils of war are revival. 

“I have not forgotten about Japan, a people My heart adores. So don’t forget and don’t relent in crying out to me day and night. Don’t draw back from the battle because souls are hanging in the balance. I will hear and answer your prayers. I will respond to the cries of your heart. I will pour out My Spirit in Japan in response to your petitions. Pray without ceasing.”

Let’s Pray for Revival in Japan

Let’s pray for revival in Japan. Awakening Prayer Hubs is a global movement of intercessors. We’re looking for 1,000 prayer warriors to raise up as prayer leaders in cities around the world. Launch a hub, find a hub or sponsor a hub at www.awakeningprayerhubs.com.

Pray for the Gospel to take root in Japan, and that God’s Word will run swiftly through the nation (see Psalm 147:15).

Pray for a spiritual awakening in Japan that lead the people to the truth that will set them free (see Ephesians 5:14).

Pray for intercessors to rise up to pray without ceasing for Japan (see 1 Thessalonians 5:16).

Pray that workers in this over-worked nation will find peace and rest in Jesus from their heavy burdens (see Matthew 11:28-29).

Pray that the 120 denominations in Japan will find unity of the faith (see Psalm 133).

Pray for laborers who can go go into Japan with the gospel (see Matthew 9:38).

Pray Christians in Japan will have a boldness to share their faith and operate in signs, wonders and miracles (see Acts 2:29-31).

Pray against the spirit of suicide that is raving Japan (see Proverbs 12:25).

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