The Seer's Dictionary is a prophetic reference book that is not only valuable for learning and growing your spiritual vocabulary but there are lessons peppered within many of the definitions to help guide you in the proper—or improper use of the gift.
Although this book is no substitute for the highly recommended Prophetic Protocols & Ethics or other teaching books I’ve penned, it does offer a blend of definition and instruction.
You can read The Seer’s Dictionary like a book if you choose to. This is not primarily a book to help you interpret dreams or symbols you see in visions. There are other books that serve that purpose. This reference source aims to help you develop spiritual language around your gift, familiarize yourself with important seers in the Bible, and explain concepts of the seer dimensions with which you may not have clarity.
You may hear people speaking this lingo and lack understanding about what people mean. This reference guide will fill in the gaps. You may have heard about certain concepts written in books in which the authors did not give a clear definition. This dictionary will go deeper in defining the intended meaning.
I’ve purposely spent time defining specific concepts around false encounters, time, seasons, the names of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, angelic beings, and anointings because I believe understanding the seer dimensions through these lenses is part of the healthy development of a seer. If you want to go deeper, also pick up Prophetic Protocols & Ethics andSeer Activations.
This is an extensive list, but not an exhaustive one. That’s because seer language is evolving and growing. We may revise and expand this dictionary as the years go on, but feel this is a strong starting point in an area that’s sorely lacking definition.
Pick up your copy of The Seer's Dictionary today and dive deep. This will educate, inspire, influence and equip you to walk more deeply in your seer anointing.