
Food Supply Shortage Prophecies Manifesting: What Now? (Episode 011)



In March 2020, I continued to hear the same warning echo in my spirit: the food supply is next.

I wrote in an article on 365prophetic.com, about how the next sign of the times would be something that looks more like a famine. Prophetically, I saw a contamination coming to some of the food supply that would result in shortages in some areas, as well as sickness and deaths. Prophetically, I saw people rushing to order online, putting strain on the overall food supply.

We have since seen all of this. But what we could see next is even more troubling. Industry watchers are now agreeing food shortages are inevitable due to Russia’s war on Ukraine.

This is Jennifer LeClaire, and this is Praying the News. On today's broadcast, we're going to look at how a prophetic warning I offered two years ago, as well as how the nations are responding to a potential famine-like food crisis, and a 2015 prophetic word from the late prophet John Paul Jackson.

Welcome to episode 15 of Praying the News. Today's broadcast is sponsored The End Time Watchman. With a foreword by Mike Bickle, this book will equip you to watch and pray in the last of the last days. Find out more at www.jenniferleclaire.org/endtimeswatchman.

Reports of potential famine abound. Listen in to President Biden’s thoughts from his recent trip to Brussels.

(Listen to the podcast to hear the report.)

Meanwhile, leaders from the G-7, which includes the U.S., Japan, Canada, the UK, France, Germany and Italy, as well as the European Union, pledged to do everything they can to address the issue, as well as provide Ukraine with a “sustainable food supply” in this crisis.

Throughout the pages of the Bible we see famines, so this should come as no surprise. Jesus said in Matthew 24:5-8, “For many will come in My name, saying, ‘I am the Christ,’ and will deceive many. And you will hear of wars and rumors of wars. See that you are not troubled; for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet. For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. And there will be famines, pestilences, and earthquakes in various places. All these are the beginning of sorrows.”

We are in the beginning of sorrows. What is the beginning of sorrows? It’s the time preceding the great tribulation. It’s a sign that indicates His return is near.

CNBC on last week offered a special report on the Doomsday clock and Doomsday preppers. Listen in to the report:

(Listen to the podcast to hear the report.)

In reality, the doomsday preppers can actually contribute to the food shortages by stockpiling. Prophetically speaking, we do need to be prepared. We need to follow the leadership of the Holy Spirit.

In 2015, John Paul Jackson prophesied about a Revelation 6 type of famine in the United States. Listen into this prophetic word about a famine and two pandemics.

(Listen to the podcast to hear the report.)

Through the pages of the Bible, we see God give strategies for surviving through a famine. God gave Pharaoh a dream of seven years of abundance followed by seven years of famine, then gave Joseph the interpretation and a wise strategy to save the world.

So, how do we pray:

Pray for the church to seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, so everything else we need will be provided for us (see Matthew 6:33)

Pray for the food supply chain to run smooth, with no contamination and no disruption.

Pray that creative innovations would emerge to reduce the impacts of food contamination.

Pray for God's miraculous intervention so the oil and the flour do not run dry.

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Until next time, Keep Praying the News.

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