
Miracles Break Out in War on Ukraine (Episode 006)


According to a CBN News report, Ukrainians are telling stories of divine intervention as the Russian invasion continues.

These reports are in line with a prophetic word I released just before war broke out in Europe, urging intercessors to pray. God said He would show up and show out.

On today’s episode we are going to report some of the miracles happening in Ukraine, and let the prophetic word I released on the eve of war encourage us to continue praying.

Stay tuned for Praying the News.

Thanks for joining me. I want to roll this audio from CBN News with dramatic accounts of God showing up for the united Ukrainians. But first, I want to read you a Scripture. It’s a familiar verse but one that, prophetically speaking, I believe is part of the reason why Russia has not crushed Ukraine with its vast army.

Psalm 133 reads: “Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity! It is like the precious oil upon the head, running down on the beard, the beard of Aaron, running down on the edge of his garments. It is like the dew of Hermon, descending upon the mountains of Zion; For there the Lord commanded the blessing—Life forevermore.”

There is a power in unity that attracts God. And, remember, President Zelensky is Jewish—one of only two Jewish heads of state in the world. It seems, like Esther, he was called for such a time as this.

I believe Zelensky understands this Psalm and understands the history of Israel. I believe he has faith in divine interventions, even this week reminding the world that God is in control. Zelensky stated “Instead of forgiveness, there will be judgment.”

I agree with Zelensky. I heard the Lord say, “Putin will pay.”

Now, let’s listen to the prophecy I released previously, and when we come back we’ll look at how that prophetic word is manifesting and where we go from here.

 [Listen to the podcast to hear the prophecy, the miracles and more.]

So how do we pray now?

Pray for an end to the conflict.

Pray for divine protection over Ukraine.

Pray for courage of the Ukrainian resistance.

Pray that God will continue to fight for Ukraine.

Pray for Ukraine to see justice in this unprovoked war.

Pray that the war on Ukraine does not escalate to World War III.

Thanks for listening. Please give us a five-star review wherever you listen to podcasts and share this with your friends.

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