
Pray for Arizona | 5050 Prayer Campaign

Pray for Arizona | 5050 Prayer Campaign


As part of Awakening Prayer Hub's 5050 Campaign, we're praying for one state each week until election week 2024. It's a critical time to pray for the United States and each state plays a role in the union. 

Known prophetically as the “Exposing and Dislodging the Serpent” state, Arkansas, is tasked with solving today’s problems while contending to simplify government and solving problems for the next generation.

Indeed, Arkansas remains near the bottom of U.S. rankings in measures of child health, poverty, and teen pregnancy. The country’s infant-toddler childcare crisis costs $122 billion in lost earnings, productivity, and revenue annually, according to a February ReadyNation report. That’s more than double the cost reported in 2018.

Indeed, Arkansas cities are facing both socio-economic and crime challenges. West Memphis, the most dangerous city in the state, has a violent crime rate 597% above the national average and an average income 44% below the national average. The state capital, Little Rock, posts a crime rate 217% above the national average and reported 62 murders in the previous year.

  • Enter identificational repentance of blood sacrifices involving freemasonry, covenant breaking of indigenous peoples, and idolatry. Enter identificational repentance for past history of racial segregation, illegal bloodshed including but not limited to civil war history, as well as God-robbing, and sexual immorality.
  • Declare Arkansas is the Land of Opportunity.
  • Intercede for the market and economic systems in Arkansas, that the Kingdom would be financed by marketplace leadership with honesty and integrity.
  • Pray for a decrease in poverty rates. Decree everything His people in Arkansas put their hands to will prosper.
  • Intercede for the upcoming elections in 2024 for government state offices in Arkansas that are Kingdom-focused and led by wisdom, revelation, and truth.
  • Pray for righteous rulership of current state officials.
  • Decree justice and righteousness will be the foundation of Arkansas.
  • Pray for the uprooting of all terror cells in Arkansas and for the states’ protection against the evil one.
  • Intercede for the remnant in the media mountain of Arkansas, that these righteous ones spread the Gospel and report accurate truth.
  • Pray for the fentanyl crisis and exposure of drug trafficking rings in this state.
  • Intercede for the high divorce and teen pregnancy rates; for restoration of the moral foundation within the family unit in Arkansas.
  • Plead the blood of Jesus over the school campuses. Pray for the education system to be rooted in biblical truth.
  • Declare Isaiah 35 over Arkansas and pray for healing of the land.
  • Speak life over the state. Declare the Lord is realigning and restoring Arkansas with its God-ordained purpose.
  • Pray for decreased crime and violent crime rates. Decree the battle is the Lord’s.
  • Pray for the remnant apostolic church in Arkansas to arise and shine as light in darkness with miracles, signs, and wonders following to be a witness that Jesus is alive.
  • Pray faithful intercessors and watchmen would arise from this state.
  • Declare the Lord will expose and dislodge the serpent.
  • Decree and declare revival and societal reformation within all spheres of Arkansas

Want to go deeper with us in prayer for revival and major issues in cities around the world?

If you can pray just thirty minutes a month for your city, you qualify.

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