
Prayers That Stop Satanic Setbacks

Prayers That Stop Satanic Setbacks

Distractions. They're everywhere. It seems like the enemy knows just what to do to distract our heart, especially when we have the opportunity right in front of us to seek and see the will of God.

Think of Martha.  Jesus was right there in her house. Mary was at His feet learning of Him, hanging on every word He spoke. Martha, meanwhile, was distracted by many things. She was distracted by much serving.

The enemy doesn't have to work too hard to distract us. We do a good job of distracting ourselves. We allow our phones to intrude on our prayer life. We allow our minds to go down bunny trails while reading the Word.

Just as Scripture tells us not to allow ourselves to be anxious, we're not supposed to allow ourselves to be distracted from Jesus. But here's the thing. The enemy certainly does come to steal kill and destroy (see John 10:10). We know that because Jesus said so and Jesus is not a man that he should lie nor the son of man that he should repent.

One of the enemy’s favorite tactics—and it’s a low-level tactic quite frankly—is distraction. He wants to distract your heart so you can't hear the voice of God. He wants to distract you from what you're supposed to be doing in the moment so you can’t bear fruit.

Let’s break the external forces that are distracting us and setting us back from God’s best life.

Listen in to my prayer broadcast, and remember to check out my free courses at www.schoolofthespirit.tv.

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