
Prophecy: Get off the Mind Traffic Train

Prophecy: Get off the Mind Traffic Train

The Lord shows me that some of you are on the mind traffic train. It makes a lot of noise. It shakes you. It rumbles…it’s going around in circles. It’s going from place to place. It’s stopping at those old familiar spots in your soul. It’s stopping at the point of abandonment, and it’s stopping at the depot of rejection. It’s doing a round-about around the road of fear.

Oh Lord, help us to stop this mind trafficking in the name of the Lord. We thank You, Lord, that You derail that mind traffic train. God, interrupt our thoughts with Your thoughts. Your thoughts are higher than our thoughts, and Your ways are higher than our ways, God. Help us to do what Your word says and meditate on the things that are above and that are not the things of the world–to meditate on what is pure and lovely, and what is of a good report.   

That mind traffic train that is stopping at different depots of the past–those things that come up from your past–we sever those right now in Jesus’ Name. Oh Lord, heal the emotions of the people on this call–those emotions that serve like magnets, to pull them back into a place of the past that no longer exists except in their mind. I thank you, Lord. Help us to get off the mind traffic train God.

For some of you, it’s not even things of the past; it’s things of yesterday. It’s imaginations of the future. That mind traffic train…it’s trying to take you to places in the future that God has not planned for you. That mind traffic train is trying to take you to places, five, ten years from now, or next week from now. It’s trying to get you to figure out what you’re going to say, or what you’re going to do, or how you’re going to act.

The Lord would say to you, “I will put the words in your mouth in that moment. Do not fret; do not worry because it only leads to evil. Stop thinking what could happen. Stop thinking about what the enemy wants to tell you, but begin to think about what I’ve told you can happen–what I’ve told you is possible, because all things are possible to those who believe. And this mind traffic that comes to steal your joy–you’ve got to release it. You’ve got to refuse to accept it. You’ve got to stop dwelling on things that you could do nothing about,” says The Lord, “and realize that I am a God of ‘all things are possible’. I am the God of reconciliation. I am the God of provision and restitution. I am the God who has your back,” says God. “So remember that when the mind traffic comes, and turn it all around. Turn your thoughts toward the opposite direction; purposely think opposite of what the mind traffic is trying to tell you,” says God.

Oh, I thank you, Lord, this morning that we are going to get off the mind traffic train. Oh, there needs to be an interruption–a divine interruption, a divine detour. I thank you, Lord, that You have a destination for us, and it’s a good destination. It’s a fine destination. It’s a destination of abundance. It’s not Your will to try to get us on that mind traffic train that tries to tell us that we’re not going to have enough, that we’re not going to do this, that we can’t do that. I thank You, Lord, that we get off that mind traffic train right now in Jesus’ Name. We get off that mind traffic train now in Jesus’ Name.

I thank you, Lord, that we leave the baggage. We just leave all that baggage on the mind traffic train. We leave all that baggage there. We don’t want that baggage. We don’t need that old luggage. We don’t need those old suitcases of fear, or those little cases of doubt. We leave them on the mind traffic train. That’s where they belong. You’ve not called us to move in that realm. You’ve called us to move in realms of glory, not realms of worry. The Lord has called us to move in realms of glory, not realms of worry. Realms of glory, not realms of worry. Realms of miracles, not realms of madness. Oh, I thank You, Lord, that we will get in the right realms today.

Some of you are coming out of that realm of sickness into the realm of healing. Some of you are coming out of that realm of poverty into a realm of more than enough. Thank You, Jesus, that we are going to move in the right realms. From this day forward, we refuse to move in the realms of the wicked. We refuse to move in the realms of lack, in the realms of fear, the realms of rejection, the realms of shame, and the realms of guilt. All these realms, these demonic realms, are not of You. We will not move in those realms any more, God. We will live and move and have our being in You. I thank you, Lord, we’re gonna move in the realms of the supernatural. We’re going to move in the realms of healing. We’re going to move in the realms of prophecy. We are going to move in the realms of words of wisdom. We’re gonna move in the realms of word of knowledge. We’re going to move in the gifts of healings and the diversity of tongues. We’re gonna move in the realm of the Holy Ghost. We’re not moving in the realm of demonic spirits–we’re moving in the realms of the Holy Spirit.

Tap into these Mornings With the Holy Spirit prayer calls on Periscope. Follow me @propheticbooks. Be sure to get a copy of the devotional.            

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