
Prophecy: It’s Time to Break the Cycle and Bust Out of the Circle

Prophecy: It’s Time to Break the Cycle and Bust Out of the Circle

In my Mornings With the Holy Spirit prayer broadcast, I saw people walking in circles—but the Lord wants them to advance. People are walking in circles and seeing unwanted cycles in their lives—but the Lord wants to bring breakthrough. I heard the Lord say:

“It’s time to break the cycle and it’s time to bust out of that circle. I’ve not called you to live in a box. I’ve not called you to walk in a circle. I’ve not called you to stand still, but I’ve called you to advance. So, stop overthinking it. Stop overthinking every little thing that you’re looking at.”

Next, I saw people paralyzed. Some are so unsure about what to do they just won’t make a move. I heard the Lord say:

“Just take a step and stop worrying if it’s the wrong one. Just make a move and stop worrying if it’s the wrong one. Trust Me to lead you and guide you. Have I not said it? Will I not do it? Did I not promise it? Am I a man that I should lie? Or the son of man that I should repent? I am always honest with you. I’ve shared My heart with you. And I intend to take you to the places I’ve shown you. It just doesn’t always look like what you thought it would look like.

“And there are seasons, and there are times. There’s even a kairos moment. You must grab a hold of what I am sharing with you in this season because in the next season, it will all become plain. Don’t allow the enemy to skew your thinking and cloud your mind in walking in this circle. Don’t allow the enemy to bring doubt and unbelief to your soul to paralyze you with overthinking.

“Look to Me and listen to My voice because My voice is the only true one. There are many voices in the spirit world, but Mine is the only one that speaks with love. Mine is the only one that speaks with peace. Mine is the only one that speaks with joy unspeakable and full of glory. My voice is the only one that you can trust. So, stop listening to these other voices. Stop putting your trust in these other voices.”

You can find more content like this on www.morningswiththeholyspirit.com.

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