
Prophecy: It’s Time to Come Out of Survival Mode and Into Success Mode

Prophecy: It’s Time to Come Out of Survival Mode and Into Success Mode

On my Mornings With the Holy Spirit prayer broadcast, I heard the Lord say:

It is not My will for you to walk around with your head hung low. My will for you is to walk around with your head looking up because your redemption draws nigh. It comes from heavenly places. His name is Jesus. He redeemed you. He redeemed you. He redeemed you unto victory.

I’ve not called you to walk around feeling sorry for yourself and wondering what bad thing might happen next. Evil forebodings are not your portion. So stop thinking about what might happen next to derail you. Stop thinking about all the bad things that could happen and begin to meditate on My goodness. Begin to meditate on My love.

Understand and know that I have a future and a hope for you. And My kindness toward you will never expire. It will pave the way for the many blessings that I have in My heart for you. Begin to shift your thinking and you will begin to shift your speaking. But as long as you’re thinking about the evil day, you won’t think about My blessings. You’ll be worried, and fretting, and concerned and overwrought.

Begin to think about the many blessings I’ve already promised you. Begin to think about the many blessings I’ve already poured out upon you. Begin to see your future as bright because I see it as bright. I see it as full of love, says God. I see it as full of life. I see it as full of prosperity and healing.

It’s time to come out of survival mode and into success mode, because I’ve not called you to be merely a survivor. I’ve called you to be a success. I’ve called you to succeed in My kingdom. Not in the way that the world succeeds. Not by the world’s measure of success, but by the measure of My Spirit.

And by the measure of My spirit, you are strong. You are an overcomer. You are healed. You are ready to run. You are prosperous. By the measure of My spirit, you have everything because I have blessed you with all things pertaining to life and godliness. I have made you, by faith in My Son, a partaker of My divine nature. And My divine nature does not include woe. My divine nature does not include failure. My divine nature does not include stress. My divine nature does not include a tormented soul.

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