
Prophecy: The Door, the Handle and the Turning Keys

Prophecy: The Door, the Handle and the Turning Keys

I feel that the Lord wants to turn the written word into a Rhema word. If you will just get into the word…if you’ll just meditate upon it…the Lord will begin to speak to your heart. Not only will the Scriptures come alive, but He will begin to speak to you about other things, even mysteries, even problems, even things in your life that you’ve been looking for answers about. The Lord will begin to speak to you.

The Lord says, “You need to settle your mind on My Word, and then My Rhema word will come to you. You need to settle your mind on the Scripture. You need to settle it. You need to calm it. You need to steady it on My Word,” says God, “and I will begin to speak to your heart. You need to hear that still small voice that will not be defied. Then those things that I speak to you in that secret place, you will grab hold of them. You will grab hold of them.”

I see somebody just grabbing hold of the word as if it has a big handle on it. I see a big vertical handle, and I just see somebody grabbing hold of the Word as if it has a handle on it. And when you grab hold of that handle, you’re gonna open the door that you’re gonna walk through. It’s the word that makes entrance–the word that brings light. It’s the word that lights a path unto your feet, and is a light unto your feet. I thank You, Lord, that we can grab hold of the handle today in Jesus’ Name.

Jesus is the door. I see it. I see it, and Jesus is the door.  Oh, we’re always praying for open doors. We’re always asking, seeking and asking God, but thank You, Lord, that we can grab hold of the handle of Jesus. He has handles; He is the door. We just grab hold of Jesus today. We grab hold of You today, God. Oh, we grab hold of You, Jesus. We let go of the lies of the enemy, God.

We let go of the wrong thoughts that have come against our mind–those imaginations that overwhelm us. We let go of those handles. We let go of those handles. We’re not going to hold on any longer to things that defy Your word. We’re not going to open the door any longer to those things that torment our mind. We’re not going to open the door any longer to sickness and disease that the enemy brings to our doorstep. We’re going to grab hold of the handle that’s on Jesus. Jesus is the door, and we’re going to walk through that door. I thank You, Lord. I thank You, Lord. I thank you, Lord.

I bind the hand of the thief over your life this morning–that thief that came in by another way. There’s a thief that comes in by another way. It’s a sneaky way. It’s the subtle way. It’s a lying way. It’s a deceiving way. Oh Lord, help us to shut the door to all of the things that try to hurt us, that try to harm us, that try to drag us backwards. Help us shut the door to those things that try to cause us to backslide, God, those things that try to tempt our hearts. Jesus, You are perfect Love. Oh Jesus, You are the door.

Help us to close the wrong doors and to walk with You, Jesus. You are the door. Thank You, Lord. Thank You, Lord, for Your Glory. Thank You, Lord, for Your redemption this morning.  Oh Jesus. The Lord is trying to do something. I’m trying to discern His movement.

Yes, the Lord is handing you keys this morning to things that He called you to in the past season, but you couldn’t navigate your way there. You couldn’t see it because of the smoke screens of the enemy. You heard the voice of God, some of you, but you couldn’t see it. You heard it, but you couldn’t see it. You were walking by faith and not by sight. You were walking by what you were told, even though you couldn’t discern it fully, but the Lord would say to you, “I’ve given you keys now, and I’m going to show you plainly which door to open. I’m going to show you which way to turn the key.”

Oh, the Lord shows me, some of you have been turning the key the wrong way. You got up to the right door, but you thought it was the wrong one, because you turned the key the wrong way. You even had the right key in your hand. You turned it one way, and you should have turned it the other way. Oh, thank You, Lord, that you are giving out keys this morning to open up doors that You’ve called us to. Lord, give us the right strategy.

That’s what it is. You’ve turned the key the wrong way. In other words, it was the wrong strategy. You thought you had it figured out. You ran on in the power of God, but when you got up to the door, you had the wrong strategy; you didn’t turn the key the right way. It was a misapplication. It was a misunderstanding. It was a misinterpretation, but the Lord would say to you, “I’m giving you keys, and I’m giving you strategies, so wait to put the key in the door until you hear the rest of the story,” says God. “Wait to turn the key until I tell you which way to turn it. Don’t run out ahead of me, but don’t lag behind me, because this is a Kairos time for many of you. I hand out keys in the Kairos time,” says God. “I hand out the right keys with the right strategy in the Kairos time,” says God.

“And this is a Kairos time for many of you. So, I’m giving you keys now. Walk with assurance. I am giving you new vision now, that you might walk–not only by faith, but that you might walk by sight–that you might see some things and have a greater confidence, because I’ve brought you right up to the edge,” says God. “I’ve brought you the edge of breakthrough. So take your key and go to the door, which is Jesus, and hear my voice to turn the key whichever way I tell you to,” says God, “and you will see open doors…doors flinging wide open!”

Thank You, Lord. Thank You, Lord for the open doors. Thank you for the strategic keys, God. I thank You, Lord, even for the tactics. Thank You, God, even for the teams that are running with us…the people that you’ve called around us to stand with us and pray with us and fight with us and war with us. I thank You, Lord. Just as Paul said, a wide door of opportunity has opened unto me, and with it many adversaries. Lord, we’re not fooled; we’re not foolish. We know that where there are open doors…there are devils on the other side. But greater is He who is us than He that is in the world. Oh, just like what was prophesied earlier this year, this is the year of the next. Next level assignments, next level warfare, and next level blessings. We will not be intimidated by the overwhelm. We will not be intimidated by the voice of fear, the voice of doubt, or any other voice that is not Yours.

Oh Jesus, You told us in your Word, “My sheep know My voice, and the voice of another they shall not follow.”  I thank You, Lord.         

Tap into these Mornings With the Holy Spirit prayer calls on Periscope. Follow me @propheticbooks. Be sure to get a copy of the devotional.

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