
Prophecy: I Will Intervene with My Word in Your Mouth

Prophecy: I Will Intervene with My Word in Your Mouth

This prophetic word will encourage your heart. The Lord says:

I have a plan. Don’t you think I have a plan? Whatever it is you’re going through; whatever it is you are facing, I have a plan. I have a plan and My plans are perfect, and My plans are thorough! I don’t leave any I’s undotted or any T’s uncrossed; nothing gets by Me, nothing slips past Me. I see the end from the beginning.

I see the opposition that’s trying to destroy you. I see those minions keeping you up at night with worry and regret and pain and wonder. I see those things that stall you. I see those things that hinder you.

I am greater than all of those things, so why don’t you just look up, why don’t you just take a look upon Me? Why don’t you just gaze upon the beauty of My Son? Why don’t you just dwell on the reality of the Holy Spirit’s presence on the inside of you? Why don’t you stop looking around and about at everything that’s going wrong and talking about it and thinking about it and telling everybody around you about it and confessing how it will never change?

Why don’t you begin to say what I say about you? Why don’t you begin to say what I’ve said to you in the past seasons? Why don’t you begin to re-prophesy that which I spoke to your heart many years ago? Why don’t you begin to prophecy it again and again? Why don’t you take Paul’s advice? Why don’t you pick up that prophetic word and swing it like a sword? Why don’t you do what Jesus did in the wilderness? Why don’t you say to the devil, “IT IS WRITTEN!”

Because My Word is alive. My Word is sharper than any two-edged sword. It is able to divide from what is bothering you in your soul and what is coming against you in the spirit. It’s able to discern your thoughts; it’s able to help you discern the enemy’s attacks; it’s able! It’s able! It’s able! It’s powerful! It’s mighty! It’s My Word! Why don’t you stand on it? Why don’t you walk in it? Why don’t you meditate upon it? Why don’t you confess it day and night, night and day? Why don’t you renew your mind with it?

I left it there for you. It’s right there for you! It’s in a book! It’s in a book! It’s in a book! I left you My Testament, I left you My Will. All you have to do is agree with it. Like I said in Amos, how can two walk together unless they’re agreed? But so many times, you come out of agreement with Me and you get into agreement with the enemy of your soul. So, break that agreement and realign yourself with My Heart, because I am here, and I am ready, and I am willing to lift you up again! I am here, and I am ready, and I am willing to dust off the enemy’s residue of resentment and the enemy’s residue of shame, and that attack, that attack, that attack that never seems to stop.

I am willing to intervene, but I will intervene with My Word in your mouth, because My Word in your mouth will not return void any more than it will return void out of My mouth. So why don’t you try putting My word in your mouth? And why don’t you stop speaking the enemy’s words out of your mouth?

I’m giving you a battle plan. I’m showing you the way through this season of trial. I’m showing you a way through this season of temptation. I’m showing you a way through this season of unbearable agony. Press through with My Word. My Word is like a hammer and it breaks things to pieces, but you must put it in your mouth. You must speak it forth. Not just one time. Not just one time. Use My word like a carpenter uses a hammer to build a house. Let My words frame your life, says God. Let My words frame your life! Let My words build your life! Let My words build your life! Let My words renovate the house that you built that you don’t like; the life that you built with your words, the life that you don’t like right now. Let My words renovate it!

Let My words rip down things that you built that were not of Me; and let My words rebuild areas that the enemy has come and attacked and attacked and attacked using the words out of your mouth that weren’t in line with what’s coming out of My Heart, says God. If you’ll get into agreement with me, if you stop thinking what the enemy wants you to think, and stop saying what the enemy wants you to say, you’ll see swift victory.

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