
Prophecy: Are You Willing to Follow Me Into the New Season I Have for You?

Prophecy: Are You Willing to Follow Me Into the New Season I Have for You?

The Lord shows me He is requiring to step out in faith to a new thing in this season—and stepping out in faith to a new thing demands putting something on the altar that was important to you. It means putting something on the altar that your identity may be wrapped up in; something you prayed for a long time and finally attained. God is wanting to see if that thing is more important to you than Him.

You’ve been wrestling with God just like Jacob wrestled with the angel. And he said, “I will not let you go until you bless me.” You’ve been wrestling with God. He’s challenged your heart to step out in faith. He’s challenged your heart to let some things go. He’s allowed you to become so miserable in your current situation—maybe it’s a job, maybe it’s a relationship, maybe it’s some kind of church you’re sitting in.

God has allowed you to become so miserable in it because He’s asked you to move out from it, and you have not wanted to move. You have not wanted to step out. You have not wanted to shake it loose, You have not wanted to leave it behind. But the Lord would say to you today,

“If you’ll put it on the altar, if you’ll step out in faith, if you’ll follow My Spirit,” says God. “If you’ll do what I’ve asked you to do, I will give you something so much better, so greater, so much stronger, so much more peaceful in your life, and it won’t look like what you think it’s going to look.

“It might give you the very thing that I’m asking you to sacrifice. Or it will take a new shape, a new form. I might just give it right back to you, I might not even make you sacrifice it. I just want to see if you’ll put it on the altar,” says God. “Oh, I just want to see if you’ll obey Me,” says God. “I just want to see if your faith is sufficient for the new season I’ve called you into,” says God. “I just want to know, but more than that, I want you to know, because I already know what you’re going to do in the end.

“I already know what you’re going do tomorrow and next week, but I want to show you what’s in you. I want to rip out of you—fear, I want to bring out of you—and doubt. I want to bring out of you those things that are causing you stress and causing you harm and causing you conflict in your soul,” says God. “I want to bring those things out of you. I want to bring you into a new place of peace, a new place of blessings, a new place that you can’t see.”

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