What is God Handing Out at a Rapid Pace Right Now?

What is God Handing Out at a Rapid Pace Right Now?

I have, always jokingly and somewhat seriously, referred to certain things in my life to be like the movie “Groundhog Day.” In this movie, the character is trapped in a town due to a storm, and ends up living the same day over and over. In the beginning, he is upset and frustrated by it and starts to do things to end the day early, but after a while his attitude begins to change. He embraces the routine and finds ways to settle into it. As he settles in the contentment of this routine, one night he lays his head down to sleep and wakes up to a new day…it was now the next day; with the previous day no longer on repeat.

I felt to share this because many of you have felt the same way. Things in your life, be it relationships, work, health, finances – all these things have seemed to be on this unbreakable cycle and constantly hitting a ceiling you thought would be shattered by now.

The Lord is Handing You Revelation and Strategies

The Lord is handing out revelation and strategies at a rapid pace right now because He wants you free from this more than you do! It is time to ask Him for specific strategies for each situation in your life. It’s time to walk through the doors with authority and take that new ground. You are the one to shift the trajectory not just for your life, but also for generations to come.

“I will place on his shoulder the key to the house of David; what He opens no one can shut, and what He shuts no one can open.” (Is. 22:22 NIV)

As I awoke on July 1, I felt the Lord say this month is going to be one of freedom! Here in the United States we just celebrated Independence Day, but Heaven is declaring a much deeper freedom that is being released for all of His children!

A Ledger, a Key and an Invitation

On June 11, the Lord gave me a very vivid dream. In this dream, I was back in the late 1700s. I rushed into an office with two other ladies. The mood felt very concerned and almost panicked, but I was not that way. I was in there on a mission; I knew exactly what I went in there to get. I walked over to the desk and began to riffle through the papers and envelopes. I picked up three envelopes and sat down to open them.

The first envelope contained an old financial ledger. As I scanned the entries I saw names like Ben Franklin and George Washington, but there were other entries where I began to say, “These transactions are illegal, this is wrong!”

The second envelope contained a fancy party invitation. The third envelope contained a key. As the key fell into my hand, I knew exactly what it went to. I walked over to the edge of the rug on the floor, pulled it back, and saw that in the floor was a keyhole. I put the key in and opened up the door. Inside was a huge treasure of jewelry. There were massive, jeweled necklaces and headpieces all the way down to tiny, plain, gold rings that would belong to a little girl. I noticed this jewelry was not just from the 1700s, but from different eras like the early 1800s, the 1920s and all the way to our current time. A certain ring caught my eye and I picked it up declaring, “This is part of my inheritance!” and I placed it on my finger. I then looked to the two women who were there with me and I said it was time to go. They ran and hid in a closet and I climbed into a late 1960s car and drove away.

From this dream, the Lord gave me this revelation to share with you:

1. The ledger: The Lord is revealing all the wrongdoings of past generations, the ones they did and the ones done to them, in order to break off any ties the enemy has had access to.

2. The key: The Lord is saying, “You are the key to unlock all of this!” He has placed keys in your hands for such a time as this. It is time, now! Don’t go cowering into the closet of ignorance and fear. It is time to rip open the door and take hold of all that has always been yours.

3. The invitation: This invitation was one of exclusivity and the Lord has extended it to you. This is an invitation to break through and break loose all the oppressive spirits that used to have access. When you break through this, a freedom will be made manifest over you!

“Your gates will always stand open, they will never be shut, day or night, so that men may bring you the wealth of the nations – their kings led in triumphal procession…The least of you will become a thousand, the smallest a mighty nation. I am the Lord; in its time I WILL DO THIS SWIFTLY.” (Is. 60:11, 22 NIV, emphasis added)

“But you have come to Mount Zion, to the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem. You have come to thousands upon thousands of angels in joyful assembly, to the church of the firstborn, whose names are written in Heaven. You have come to God, the Judge of all, to the spirits of the righteous made perfect, to JESUS THE MEDIATOR of a new covenant, and to the sprinkled BLOOD THAT SPEAKS A BETTER WORD than the blood of Abel.” (Heb. 12:22-24 NIV, emphasis added)

“There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens.” (Ecc. 3:1 NIV)

Revealing the Hidden Things

Hidden things are being revealed right now, in every area of concern and contention. There is new wisdom, discernment and strategies to swiftly put an end to hang-ups of the past and open the doors to step into this next season. This isn’t going to happen while you sleep; it will happen in your intercession, so start opening your mouth. Get in that quiet time. Intercede over those dreams, over those prophetic promises you’ve held close to your heart. Speak restoration over those relationships; declare that healing over every level of sickness. Slam the gavel down on all areas of injustice and demand a 10-fold payback of everything – and I mean EVERYTHING – the enemy has stolen! IT IS TIME.

“I will go before you and will level the mountains; I will break down gates of bronze and cut through bars of iron. I will give you hidden treasures, riches stored in secret places, so that you may know that I am the Lord, the God of Israel, who summons you by name.” (Is. 45:2-3 NIV)

Hidden things are being revealed right now, in every area of concern and contention. There is new wisdom, discernment and strategies to swiftly put an end to hang-ups of the past and open the doors to step into this next season. This isn’t going to happen while you sleep; it will happen in your intercession, so start opening your mouth. Get in that quiet time. Intercede over those dreams, over those prophetic promises you’ve held close to your heart. Speak restoration over those relationships; declare that healing over every level of sickness. Slam the gavel down on all areas of injustice and demand a 10-fold payback of everything – and I mean EVERYTHING – the enemy has stolen! IT IS TIME.

I have, always jokingly and somewhat seriously, referred to certain things in my life to be like the movie “Groundhog Day.” In this movie, the character is trapped in a town due to a storm, and ends up living the same day over and over. In the beginning, he is upset and frustrated by it and starts to do things to end the day early, but after a while his attitude begins to change. He embraces the routine and finds ways to settle into it. As he settles in the contentment of this routine, one night he lays his head down to sleep and wakes up to a new day…it was now the next day; with the previous day no longer on repeat.

I have, always jokingly and somewhat seriously, referred to certain things in my life to be like the movie “Groundhog Day.” In this movie, the character is trapped in a town due to a storm, and ends up living the same day over and over. In the beginning, he is upset and frustrated by it and starts to do things to end the day early, but after a while his attitude begins to change. He embraces the routine and finds ways to settle into it. As he settles in the contentment of this routine, one night he lays his head down to sleep and wakes up to a new day…it was now the next day; with the previous day no longer on repeat.

I have, always jokingly and somewhat seriously, referred to certain things in my life to be like the movie “Groundhog Day.” In this movie, the character is trapped in a town due to a storm, and ends up living the same day over and over. In the beginning, he is upset and frustrated by it and starts to do things to end the day early, but after a while his attitude begins to change. He embraces the routine and finds ways to settle into it. As he settles in the contentment of this routine, one night he lays his head down to sleep and wakes up to a new day…it was now the next day; with the previous day no longer on repeat.

I have, always jokingly and somewhat seriously, referred to certain things in my life to be like the movie “Groundhog Day.” In this movie, the character is trapped in a town due to a storm, and ends up living the same day over and over. In the beginning, he is upset and frustrated by it and starts to do things to end the day early, but after a while his attitude begins to change. He embraces the routine and finds ways to settle into it. As he settles in the contentment of this routine, one night he lays his head down to sleep and wakes up to a new day…it was now the next day; with the previous day no longer on repeat.

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