Jennifer LeClaire was forced to call the police during an argument with her then-fiancé. She was frightened and dialed 911. When the police arrived and put her future husband in handcuffs she began to plead with them not to take him. She didn’t want him to go to jail. The female officer warned her to, “Shut up or I’ll say you hit me.”She never hit a cop. Her mistake was that she naively opened her mouth and incredulously said, “You can’t do that!”
Well, the police officer did. She charged Jennifer with battery on a law enforcement officer and resisting arrest with violence and carted her off to jail, but not before roughing her up and leaving her with bruises all over her body.Jennifer was facing five years in prison, but Jesus had other plans. Jennifer got saved in the jail and the Lord miraculously vindicated her at the last minute. She spent 40 days in jail, but it was worth it to gain her eternal soul. Jennifer has a passion for prison ministry and wants to help prisoners walk in faith.
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Read About Breakthrough
If you’ve been praying for a breakthrough, this book is for you.
In Breakthrough!, Jennifer outlines the seven principles Paul shared with Timothy in his swan song letter. This practical teaching blends Scripture, inspirational quotes, and real life experiences that encourage you to build biblical habits that transform your life—and get rid of destructive habits that are robbing your victory.
Jennifer speaks from painful losses—and thrilling wins. Abandoned with a two-year-old baby, Jennifer spent time in jail for a crime she didn’t commit, then lived on food stamps for nearly a year before she discovered how to live in victory. Today, she is debt-free, healed, and walking in her calling.
God is no respecter of persons. What He did for Jennifer, He’ll do for you. This book empowers you with action exercises at the end of each chapter to guide you on the path to developing victorious Christian living habits that lead to the breakthrough you’ve been praying for.
Read About Faith Magnified
Stop doubt dead in its tracks and build faith that overcomes the world with practical teachings that will give you a new perspective on how to walk out God’s Word. You haven’t read enough books on faith until you’ve read this one.
With a spiritual warfare twist, Jennifer exposes doubt for what it really is: a devil that robs your prosperity, your health and your destiny. If you are ready to receive all God’s promises once and for all, this book can help you! In Faith Magnified, Jennifer equips you to:
Develop the “great faith” that demands results. You’ll never lose another spiritual battle when you build faith that overcomes the world.
Discern the subtle voice of doubt and unbelief
Avoid the dream killer called self-doubt
Overcome the fear that follows doubt
Develop the “great faith” that demands results
Fight the good fight of faith and have victory every time
And much more!
Read About Developing Faith
Do you need a miracle? Then you need faith to believe the impossible. Jesus said, “All things are possible to those who believe (Mark 9:23). You can develop wonder-working faith in God’s Word that will set the stage for miracles in your life.
This book will equip you with Scriptures, inspiring stories, and meditation exercises to stir your faith to believe God for miracules of healing, provision, deliverance and more. Developing the Faith for the Working of Miracles will teach you:
How to effectively war for your miracle
How to recognize the lies that rob you from miracles
How wisdom and understanding unlock the impossible
How to exercise your miraculous authority
How to build miraculous faith
And much more!
If you are believing God for a miracle but not seeing results, this book offers keys you need to see the impossible become possible in your life.