Handling Our “But If Not” Moments

Handling Our “But If Not” Moments

How do we continue to walk when that thing doesn’t happen or that prayer isn’t answered?

By Amie Rogers & Anne Marie Molster

if we are thrown into the blazing furnace, the God we serve IS ABLE to save us from it, AND He WILL rescue us from your hand. BUT EVEN IF HE DOES NOT…” Daniel 3:17-18 (NIV) Emphasis added


How do we handle our “but if not” moments? How do we continue to walk when that thing doesn’t happen or that prayer isn’t answered? How do we move forward in our sickness when the healing isn’t immediate? Are we toddler-like, pouting and wanting to quit or are we steadfast and trusting?


It may not be the breakthrough we want, but it will be a breaking through of the things we need. We have to stay surrendered and seeking! Do you think Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego’s perspective changed before or after being thrown into the fiery furnace? After, of course! In the fire, they saw JESUS! Our “but if not moments” are multi-faceted and multi-purposed! These men experienced a true pressing of their faith; choosing to die over bowing down to false gods. In that giant push of faith, their eyes saw Jesus and they experienced being in the burning furnace. They came out not smelling of smoke, but most certainly changed. Yet another purpose for them to walk into that fire was for King Nebuchadnezzar and everyone else watching – so they, too, could see Jesus and His miraculous nature in the midst of the flames.


As we walk in and out of the fiery furnaces of life – we are being refined, defined and commissioned. This process is also intended for a much larger purpose. It is also meant to be a display to all those watching us walk through these inevitable difficulties of life; how we handle our hardest circumstances and showing them that Jesus is in the fire with us. It is ultimately all about gaining a deeper revelation of our Heavenly Father.


“You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives. Genesis 50:20 (NIV)


Joseph didn’t receive this revelation at the beginning of his journey while sitting in the pit his brothers threw him in, on the slave’s auction block or even in his prison cell. It is likely that it came after he was in the palace and seeing the dreams God had given him long ago unfolding before him. So often we are given dreams and visions as a focal point as we begin our journey into gaining the wisdom and maturity that is needed before seeing them materialize. 


We cannot allow ourselves to feel beaten down and defeated by disappointment. This happens frequently when we place our thoughts and ideas of how these dreams and visions should manifest in our lives. When it doesn’t happen, we blame God and in turn go down the path of frustration, feeling as if we should simply quit. We need to understand that the Lord loves us too much to leave us unrefined and that He certainly wouldn’t give us something that we wouldn’t steward well.


Outside of pure rebellion and disobedience, we cannot stop the Lord’s plans for us. We are NOT that powerful! As long as we are surrendered and seeking Him and His direction, He will direct our steps – every single one of them! This is what we must believe to the very core of our spirit! Believing does not mean simply being in agreement. We must be willing to trust the Lord with unwavering confidence based on our deeply rooted faith in Him and Him alone! Trusting His words and His power to move us in ways we have never imagined. He will draw to the surface the things that define us as he originally intended. As His light shines upon us, His purpose in us will be highlighted.


“You are wondering what your specific purpose is. Sometimes when you watch an artist working, you don’t understand what they are creating until they reach a certain point in that creation or the artist moves in such a way that reveals it. I am telling you right now, YOU are MY MASTERPIECE! Watch and wait for Me to move in the great reveal! This is the year of a great unveiling of all my hidden ones!


The wounded ones that others have called “unqualified” and “too far gone” – you are the ones I’m calling forward in these moments! All this time in the cave has fine-tuned you to hear me, speak me and reflect me. This cave of isolation has kept you safe from all the false religion. You are Heaven made manifest and now is the time to show it!


Those of you still hidden in preparation, you still have and continue to have my favor over you. You are chosen and favored no matter where you are, no matter what others may say and do. They may have shunned you, but I am going to reveal you. No man can stop my movements. I am making the final preparations in you. Stay ready and stay seeking me in our quiet place.


What I will do for you in the coming days, others will not believe, but it will shake them to their core and cause a stirring in their own spirit. They will then begin to desire to know more of Me and crave what they see in you! 


I am beginning a new thing! I am raising up those that speak in love, rejoicing in all things that I give so freely. Peace, love and joy will abundantly come forth in visions, words, songs and dance. You will supply hope for the hopeless and feed love to the heartless. You will pour into the lives of many others, giving to them abundantly, the blessings you have received through Me.


They will see you as a VICTOR and you will show them how to live victoriously! 


They will see you RISE and you will cause them to rise up with you! 


They will see your BOUNDLESS LOVE and you will call them to love one another!”


“See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland.” Isaiah 43:19 NIV

Anne Marie Molster is a wife and mother of two daughters who shares the heart of the Lord through her prophetic writing. After standing strong in her faith through many seasons that could have easily defeated her, her passion is to give hope to others by showing God’s deep compassion for His children while instilling the belief that they can do anything through Christ who strengthens them. She prays that they will find great faith in what is unseen, rather than what is seen in the natural. Through her testimony and the many signs and wonders that Anne Marie has experienced, she wants others to see God as their Father in Heaven who is constantly working on their behalf, working all things for the good of those who love Him.

Amie Rogers is a lover of Jesus Christ, a wife and mother of four who operates in the gift of the prophetic, processing life through her writing. Having lived through many triumphs and tragedies she has been gifted with plenty of humility and some wisdom. Amie has been moved to share her journey with absolute transparency. She is compelled to show others the redemptive, restorative and healing power of Jesus through encouragement, prophetic words and His healing touch. Her mission is to speak His Life & His Love, inviting others in to hear the Lord’s heartbeat for them.

Together, Anne Marie and Amie have started a ministry based on raw & real life conversations with Biblical perspectives.



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