Patience is a secret weapon.
By Daneen Bottler
Beloved, we are entering into a season where we must be willing to wait on the Lord for His plans and His strategies before heading into battle. We cannot afford the casualties that come from rushing into battle without a Kingdom strategy or plan.
Immature warriors go to battle because they love the fight. It doesn’t take much to entice an immature warrior into a battle they have no necessity to be in, or on a battlefield they have no authority on. An immature warrior has yet to learn the art of self-control, the understanding of authority and the secret weapon of patience.
A mature warrior, knows that victory comes about, not through proving their ability to fight, but through knowing the One they fight for, knowing the directive, understanding the strategy and the patience to wait for the right moment of execution.
Patience is a secret weapon, a powerful weapon against the enemy who is always trying to change the times and seasons. Patience allows you to outlast the enemy when you are under siege. Patience allows you to see the end game and arrange your actions accordingly. Patience allows you to endure in joy and confidence in the Lord and teaches you to know his timing, allowing you to walk in victory. Patience will increase and multiply the bounty and spoils of war you recover when you wait for the strategy of the Lord to retake the land. Patience leads you to the still waters of the Lord, the place of refreshing becomes available to you, even in desert terrain.
We are in a season of Go!, but we must also be actively waiting on the Lord for Kingdom strategies and we must be patient in allowing the Lord to change out and add to us anything that is necessary to advance victoriously in this season.
The Kingdom directives and strategies of victory have been released, but we must now do our part and wait on the Lord to receive them. The airwaves are being bombarded with enticement to rush into unnecessary fights and skirmishes that only serve to distract you from advancing in your place of assignment. Let’s wield the weapon of patience and the weapon of self-control. Let’s wait, receive and execute the commands of our Great Commander with authority, confidence and in the perfect timing of the Lord and see the enemy obliterated. Let’s fight from victory not towards it!
Daneen Bottler is a gifted prophetic voice for this generation. She oversees the prophetic ministries and serves on the Senior Leadership Team of Father’s House City Ministries, a church in Portland Oregon. Her greatest desire is to see the glory of God displayed through His sons and daughters, walking in their God given power and authority. Daneen has had the privilege of speaking and ministering at various churches throughout the Northwest and continues to lend her prophetic voice in bringing unity within the body of Christ and to see His Kingdom come.
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