Consecrate Yourselves Because the Day of Repositioning is Here

Consecrate Yourselves Because the Day of Repositioning is Here

We must worship and serve Him only.

By Candice Smithyman

The Lord laid this powerful word on my heart recently. He has been sharing with me that when we entered into the New Year according to the Hebrew calendar on the 1st day of Nisan, March 17, we were being repositioned to see the fulfillment of what we had been declaring and decreeing over our lives. He began to share that we needed to pray, fast and give to be consecrated unto Him this week, so we would be ready to step into what He has for us on in this new time.

Consecrate Yourselves

This is similar to what He told Joshua when He spoke to Him about going into the Promised Land. He said in Joshua 3:5, “Consecrate yourselves, for tomorrow the Lord will do amazing things among you.”

That means, to purify or sanctify yourself because God was about to advance His people’s borders. When God says that I am about to advance you or elevate you, there will be a time of consecration prior to that. I believe this is a week for preparation.

Early in Joshua 3:4, the officers instructed the people, “When you see the Ark of the Covenant of the Lord your God, and the Levitical priests carrying it, you are to move out from your positions and follow it. Then you will know which way to go, since you have never been this way before.”

This means we are to lift up our tent pegs and begin to move when God says move. The Israelites needed instruction, as they had never been that way before. So it is with us. This way will be new, but we must begin to move as God leads. Just as the Israelites were led by the Ark of the Covenant, we have the Holy Spirit fire to lead us.

Later in Joshua 3:6-7, “Joshua said to the priests, ‘Take up the ark of the covenant and pass on ahead of the people.’ So, they took it up and went ahead of them. And the Lord said to Joshua, ‘Today I will begin to exalt you in the eyes of all Israel, so they may know that I am with you as I was with Moses.'”

The Lord is saying, “I will lead you to the place I have prepared for you.” God must lead us first before He exalts us as His people. He must be your guide before you step into your destiny. You must know that He is with you always, just as He was with Moses.

How Do We Consecrate Ourselves?

So, how do you consecrate yourself this week? Pray, fast and give. A threefold cord cannot be broken. Anytime God has moved me into a new position He required me to pray, fast and give. Let this be the week that you step into destiny by consecrating your heart to Him and Him alone.

Pray, fast and give and watch Him begin to move you into position. This is also exactly what He told the Israelites when He was moving them into Promised Land, and He sent an angel before them to take them into the place He prepared. In Exodus 23:20 it says, “See, I am sending an angel ahead of you to guard you along the way and to bring you to the place I have prepared.”

Then He tells the Israelites that the place He is taking them to will have other gods, and He tells them to not bow down to the gods or worship them. He says in Exodus 23:25-26, “Worship the Lord your God, and His blessing will be on your food and water. I will take away sickness from among you, and none will miscarry or be barren in your land. I will give you a full life span.”

You Will See Him Do Wonders!

We must learn through this purification process that we are to worship the Lord our God and serve Him only, as He purifies you to take you into the place you are destined. You will find during the purification process that there are areas you do not worship the Lord your God and serve Him only. He promises you will not miscarry your dream and will have a full life span. We must worship and serve Him only.

Keep your eyes out this week and repent during prayer, fasting and giving, so those places in your heart where you are not serving Him and Him alone, will be exposed. This will be the ground that the enemy will try and wipe you out on when you get to your promised destiny. But if you allow God to purify you, you will be ready for the journey into your new land. Consecrate yourself as tomorrow you will see Him do wonders!

Dr. Candice Smithyman is the founder of Dream Mentors International, a Biblical life counseling and coaching educational organization that teaches and trains educators and coaches in the specialty of life coaching. She is also founder of the Glory Road Show, where she hosts weekly interviews which are seen on internet TV, Facebook, and her YOUTUBE channel. Her ministry website is available at and, where people people can become credentialed Biblical or transformational life coaches and receive Biblical and transformational life coaching for every area of their life. She is also co-founder of Freedom Destiny Church in Orange Park, Florida, along with her husband, Adam Smithyman, Sr. They have three married children.

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