The Wilderness Has Equipped You-Rise Up and Breakthrough

The Wilderness Has Equipped You-Rise Up and Breakthrough

The Holy Spirit desires to break every obstacle in your life.

By Nate Johnston

The following word came up in my memories from many years ago today and as I read it I felt the anointing so strongly for deliverance and healing. I don’t say this lightly, – read this word and I am expecting that same anointing to come upon you. There will be people that need physical healing that will be delivered as well. I am hearing “swelling” that will go down. Restlessness and anxiety is lifting. Pain in the tendon of an ankle is being healed. God is realigning sleep patterns, resetting body clocks that have been out. Metabolism and hormonal abnormalities are coming into alignment. Whatever it is, I am in agreement with you that God comes powerfully into your situation today in JESUS name! If you feel the fire of God in your body, pain leave, healing or anything else please share below! Enjoy the word.

From the age of two til eleven, I had the most horrific night terrors almost every night. Then in my teens I was in such a depression and dark place I tangibly saw spirits in my room. I grew up in church but just had no clue or understanding about what I could do about it. To me, darkness was way stronger. I remember when I hit my darkest season. I was lost and everything in me died, I couldn’t dream, smile, laugh, or hear God at all. I thought He had deserted me.

All I could see was a black cloud constantly around me and I wanted to die until the Holy Spirit became real to me and helped me climb out of the pit I had lived in for so long. So I started to fight it, it was slow, but over a long period of time I got myself back, the real me! But something was different. I could see clearer, and I realised I had an authority over darkness I didn’t have before. I had spent so long there that once I found my way out, I knew the exit.

It reminds me of Jesus going into the wilderness and coming out endued with power from the Holy Ghost. There’s something that takes place when we go through the fire that changes us, the enemy is all out to kill and destroy us but instead it only catapults us further into the arms of God and fast tracks our destiny.

I’m writing this because tonight I had a face to face encounter with a demonic spirit that was on someone I visited. I saw it as I approached and didn’t say anything at first. As I drove away I yelled at it, and commanded it go, then as clear as day I heard it say back the reason why it was and the circumstances it was legally able to be there. Suddenly I got up in its face and quoted a verse the Holy Spirit gave me and I heard it shriek and leave.

As I drove home I saw a sea of people who are under such intense darkness right now and I felt I had to write this to speak freedom over people that are oppressed to the point you can’t make it through another day. I saw some homes that are in disarray cos the enemy is causing division in key places and it’s causing everything to be shaken. I saw marriages that are in disconnect and people that lonely and grieving. You have listened to message after message, tried it all, but still feel like you can’t shake free.

Today is your day! I command you to be free in Jesus name, from every oppressive choking spirit that wants to derail you, defeat you, and wear you out so you are no good. Right now as you are reading this I pray the power of the Holy Ghost intervene in your life, breaking every obstacle and hindrance, and new strength and life flow into you again in Jesus name.

Nate Johnston is a revivalist and worshipper who has a heart to see sons and daughters unleashed into passionate friendship with God and an effective supernatural lifestyle. Through his ministry “Everyday Revivalists,” he teaches on intimacy and hearing God’s voice which was birthed from a hunger for authentic, real, and powerful relationship with Jesus. Christy Johnston was born and raised in Australia. After living the majority of her life plagued with insecurity and fear, she came to learn the power of her identity in Christ. She now lives with the mandate to breathe fresh hope and life into Gods sons and daughters through her passion of writing, uncovering the truths of living in Grace and freedom through our identity in Christ. Nate and Christy have two daughters, Charlotte and Sophie, and currently live on the Gold Coast in Australia.

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