It’s all about knowing Him personally and wanting to please Him.
By Steve Porter
“You have stolen my heart, my sister, my bride; you have stolen my heart with one glance of your eyes, with one jewel of your necklace” (Song of Solomon 4:9).
Why do I believe what I believe? It can be summed up in one word— “relationship”. It’s not about slavishly following an extensive list of authoritarian rules lest I anger God. It’s all about knowing Him personally and wanting to please Him. The religious leaders in Jesus’ day firmly claimed to know God, but killed Jesus when He came to rescue humankind. Jesus unsympathetically rebuked them for their hard hearts and blatant, unrepentant hypocrisy. When we know Jesus in a personal way, we can’t help but love and desire Him. In turn, we will try to obey Him because we know He has our very best interests in mind.
My dad has also been a real inspiration to me. He has great integrity, and I’ve never in all my years heard him tell a lie. He’s always been honest with me even when it hurt. I’ve admired his deep desire to really know Jesus as a friend, not merely as a legendary historical figure. It stems from a time when he was fifteen years old. Let me explain.
Dad lived on the ocean in Maine. His family came from a long line of Canadian commercial fishermen. My grandmother was a deeply dedicated Christian lady who ministered with my grandfather. She was a pastor, a Bible school professor, and an inner-city relief worker reaching out to the destitute and needy—the “down and out”. It was said of my grandmother that she never said an unkind word about anyone. I loved her so much.
One night, at age fifteen, my dad went to bed, pondering what he should do with his life. He was wide awake, unable to sleep when Jesus walked into the room and stood at the foot of his bed. He opened His hands to my dad so that the nail punctures were clearly visible. My dad said he had never seen such great love before. The eyes of Jesus moved him to tears.
Dad was transformed forever at that moment. He cried all night after that because Jesus loved him so much. The eyes of Jesus told the true story; no one would be able to tell him otherwise. He’d had a personal visitation from a personal Savior. Just as the early disciples dropped what they were doing to follow Jesus by reason of “one gaze from His eyes,” after one look, my dad knew what he was called to do. Most people don’t have such awe-inspiring encounters in their lives. My dad was incredibly blessed by that life-changing visitation and it became very apparent in his ministry.
Turn your head, precious one; He’s looking your way with eyes full of love. One look will transform your life. His head is turned toward you, His beautiful child, right now! When you look at Him, you steal His heart. Can you see Him? With His arms open wide, He desires to embrace you and tenderly love you in His presence. Take the hand of the Master, for He is waiting for you in the secret place.
In fact, did you know that both His eyes and thoughts have been on you since the day you were conceived? You may be surprised to learn that scripture says you’re always on His mind. 17 How precious are your thoughts about me, O God. They cannot be numbered! 18 I can’t even count them; they outnumber the grains of sand. And when I wake up, you are still with me! (Psalms 139:17-18)
He Calls You, Beloved, into a Far Deeper Relationship with Him
“Behold, you are fair, My love! behold, you are fair! You have dove’s eyes” (Song of Solomon 1:15).
He calls you, beloved, into a far deeper relationship with Him to focus your gaze on Him alone. Even as a dove fixes its gaze upon its mate, unmoved by distractions, even so, He wants you, His ‘love bird’ to focus on Him alone.
Scripture commands us not to be like a horse or a mule easily distracted by side vision. It can only be kept on track by placing ‘blinders’ beside each eye and a bit in its teeth.
Unlike the horse or mule, stubborn and easily distracted, your Savior wants you to be like that ‘love bird’ with singular purpose, focusing dove eyes on Him so He can lead you according to His will.
Love Him enough to be obedient, allowing your spirit to become ever more sensitive to His still, small voice. He will lead you to safety, shelter, and protection—only trust Him and allow Him to guide your steps. Stay close enough to Him to sense His will for you. With one tender glance He will send you in the right direction, where you will find favor and spiritual substance.
“I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will guide you with My eye” (Psalm 32:8).
As your ‘dove eyes’ focus on your Heavenly Lord, He will bring a greater awareness of His presence. He will begin to minister to you in a very personal way and lift you far above the pull of this evil world, giving you a new sensitivity to His Spirit.
How much do you love Him? Can He trust you to develop a singular focus on Him alone, so that you don’t miss His best advice? Will you gaze upon Him only, leaving behind all others and the things that so tantalize you now? Once you fall in love with His face, you’ll no longer be satisfied to merely hear about Him; rather, you’ll yearn for His presence, eager to be in His company, where He will satisfy the deep longings inside you.
With that ‘singular gaze’ will also come a change in your desires. He will quench your cravings for the things of this world and inspire you to come away with Him.
Rise Up
“Rise up, My love, My fair one, and come away” (Song of Solomon 2:10).
He yearns for you to have only one desire: to abide in His holy presence. He longs for you to stay in His presence and never leave, no matter what else occupies your time.
Cry out even as David:
“The Lord is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? … one thing have I desired of the Lord, that will I seek after; that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, to behold the beauty of the Lord, and to inquire in His temple” (Psalm 27:1-4).
As you let Him stir your passion for Him, getting back to your first love, He will supply every need, filling you to overflowing and far surpassing your expectations, finally giving you that elusive deeper abundant life.
“But seek ye first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you” (Matthew 6:33).
Today, He searches earnestly for those who are willing to be doves with a singleness of vision. When He finds them, it brings Him incredible joy, so that He can’t help but declare:
“Behold, you are fair, you have dove’s eyes” (Song of Solomon 1:15).
Once He knows you love Him most, more than great wealth, more than any other—once He has become a sought-after pearl of great price to you —He will be your fairest of ten thousand. He is altogether lovely, for He is your King of Kings and Lord of Lords, your All in All. Then, just as He did with my dad, let Him bring you to the banqueting house where His banner over you is love!
Take me to your banqueting house! Ravish me with your love and tender affection. I give you all my heart; call me away into the deep, for you are altogether lovely!
Steve and Diane Porter founded “Refuge Ministries.” Steve is a regular contributor to many prophetic publications including the Elijah List, Spirit Fuel, and the Identity Network. His writings have been read worldwide by hundreds of thousands of people. He also has been interviewed by the Trinity Broadcasting Network and a few other TV programs. Steve’s books, articles, and videos have touched countless lives around the world. The Porters reside near Rochester, NY.
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