A major breaking is being released.
By Deland John Coleman
For the Lord would say unto thee, the very seal that has held you captive, restricted and restrained is now tearing and shredding! For the Cracking phase has been initiated and the light of my Favor and glory is about to come through and things that you couldn’t do before are about to manifest now, for many of you have felt as though you have been sealed up and away from others, but know this says the Lord what I’m about to do through you in this hour, no man will get the glory! For as the prophet Ezekiel stood over the valley of dry bones, he was commanded to prophesy! As he begin to prophesy the seal of death and defeat was broken! I declare over you now, there is a noise stirring in the heart of God and He is releasing His sons and daughters from bondage, the bondage of people’s opinions and reservations of you, the spirit of fear and intimidation. Did not I declare that the righteous are as bold as a lion?
Arise for I have called you for such a time as this to come out of the graves, there is about to be a major seal breaking of gifts in this season, the cracking of seals has begun! There is mighty army on the horizon and they will come with New Life! So stand tall I say, decree and declare, prophesy the word of Lord, and even now know that I am appointing grave diggers throughout the region, for they will know exactly what to do for me says the Lord, to free my gifts so that I can be glorified, and for those who thought you were done, they are about to witness my hand says the Lord, and I never loose!
So be encouraged my people in this season, for the graves in the church are about to open and my gifts are about to arise and possess the land and demonstrate my hand says the Lord. The Cracking of the seal of spiritual tombstones has been initiated says the Lord…arise from the valley for I have called you to a high place in me.. for many will be sat aside as I replace them as I did with King Saul and I raise up others, for did not I say the last shall be first and the first shall become last? The grave diggers will increase in this hour and begin cracking the seal of several gifts that have been buried and forgotten says the Lord…it has begun!!!
Dr. John D. Coleman is declaring the Word of the Lord during this time; a time in which he has labeled “the changing of the guards.” He was called by God at the age of 17 and was licensed and ordained at the age of 19 under the Pentecostal Assemblies of the World, (P.A.W.). Dr. John has an AA Degree in Business Management from Phillips College; a Bachelor of Arts in Ministry with an Emphasis on Biblical Studies, a Master of Arts in Christian Education and a Doctorate of Philosophy in Ministry from Midwest Christian College & Seminary.Dr. John has a mandate to bring a realization to the body of Christ that it is God’s desire for His people to establish a relationship with Him instead of a “religion-ship.” He is playing a pivotal part in reaching this generation and equipping them to activate the gifts within them. A cloud of testimonies including financial and healing miracles have manifested as a result of his ministry.
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