To fully step into it, you need a garment change.
By Madeline James
In a recent service I was getting ready to release a word over the Body of Christ and I heard the Lord say, “It’s time for the people of God to change their garments to match the season I’ve placed them in.” In the beginning of April the Lord gave me a word that April would be a very pivotal month for many that would shift the course of their year. Little did I know I myself would be experiencing some major shifts and transitions in my life that have altered my path this year.
As the people of God we must get better at transitioning in and out of the seasons God has ordained for us. As sons of God we are called to be led by the Spirit of God. Too many times we are led or paralyzed by our fears and insecurities. It’s important to be become sensitive to the Spirit, and find the balance of not being ahead of or behind the Lord but walking in step with the Spirit. Galations 5:25 says, “If we live by the Spirit, let us also keep in step with the Spirit.”
The Lord began to show me many hold on so tightly to what the Lord has given them in past seasons, Fear has caused many to be unable to lay down what was given to them, for God to given them the greater. In the story of Abraham and Issac in Genesis 22, the Lord asked Abraham to sacrifice what was most precious to him. The Lord was testing his heart to see if he was willing to give up the gift God has given him for more. It wasn’t just about his son, God wanted to give him a nation but he had to let go first. We are called to be people who move and live by faith. Faith sees in the realm of the spirit, and pulls it into our now. Hebrews 11:1 says, “Now faith brings into our hopes into reality anf becomes the foundation needed to acquire the things we long for. It is all the evidence required to prove what is still unseen” (TPT).
The Lord is requiring a greater measure of faith to step into the things He has ordained for your life in this season. To fully step into it, you need a garment change. Many have trouble stepping into new seasons, because they go into new seasons wearing past season’s garments and wonder why things aren’t going right. Every season requires a new garment to walk in. Past season garments carry the stains and marks of previous seasons that can hinder or give the enemy access into your life. I’m reminded of the story of the priest Joshua in Zechariah 3: 1-7. Joshua was standing before the angel of the Lord on one side, and Satan the accuser of the bretheren on the other side. You see the enemy had a legal right to accuse him because his clothes were stained and filthy. The Lord said to change his clothes. When Joshua’s garment was changed it no longer gave the enemy access into his life. The Lord also put a new and clean turban on his head. The Hebrew word for turban in that verse, tsaniyph, means headress, diadem, hood, a piece of cloth that wraps around. The turban represented a sign of royalty, and I believe a new mindset and how Joshua saw himself.
Each season requires a new garment/mantle, strategies, and mindsets. What God is doing in the earth has never been done or seen before, and is being released in a greater measure and acceleration. 1 Corninthians 2:9 declares,” This is why the scriptures say: Things never discovered or heard of before, things beyond our ability to imagine these are the many things God has instore for all His lovers” (TPT). You are entering a new season. It’s time to change your garment to match the season the Lord is bringing you into. Put on your new garment, and step into your new season with boldness and courage. There is no need to fear, the Lord is with you. What hindered you in this past season is becoming your stepping stone into the new and greater things. The enemy can no longer hold over your past seasons failures and mistakes. Your garments are new, step into your season wholeheartedly and unabandoned.
Madeline James is an emerging prophetic writer and voice who desires to release the heart of the Father, and be a tuning fork for the Body of Christ. She operates in the seer and relevatory realm. Her heart is to release revelation and wisdom that will help propel and push the Body of Christ forward. Madeline is the author of Rooted In Love, Declaring Your Morning, co-author of Emerge, and the blogger of the prophetic blog Nabi’s Pen. She resides in Lexington, KY. with her husband Richie and their two daughters.
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