Decrease Is the Formula For Increase

Decrease Is the Formula For Increase

Anything you strive to get, you strive to keep.

By Anita Alexander

What? Yep, you read that title right: Decrease is the formula for increase. We all want and desire to go to new levels, know the Lord more, experience Him in greater ways, see His power flow in greater measures and see Him use us in greater ways for His glory. We have even heard out of the mouth of prophets in this season that this is the season of increase, glory, souls, signs and wonders etc.

But in order to increase, there must be a decrease. That is the way of the Kingdom. We see this principle explained over and over again in Scripture. For example, when the Lord wants us to bear more fruit He prunes us back. There is a cutting away in order to bring forth more (see John 15:1-2).

John the Baptist held the key to this principle where he stated in John 3:30 (emphasis mine): “He must INCREASE, but I MUST DECREASE!”

Letting the Lord Increase in Your Life

Are there areas in your life where the Lord MUST increase? When the Lord is getting ready to increase you, He will decrease you. What? You may say, “That’s double dutch!” No not at all. In order for His strength to be made strong, in us and through us, we must be made weak in our own strength. That is why Paul says, “I glory in my weaknesses because His power is made perfect…” (see 2 Cor. 12:9).

These are the days and times that the Lord is perfecting that which concerns you (see Psalm 138:8)! These are the days and times that He is inviting you to let go of trying to do “that which concerns you” in your own strength. He will take you outside of your ability in order to flow in His. This can be a stressful time for those who rely heavily on what they can achieve and those who rely on their own natural insight and wisdom.

Know that in your own ability, reasoning and understanding, it will not take you to the new level you desire or bring the kind of increase from Heaven that you won’t have to toil and strive to keep…on your own. Anything you strive to get, you strive to keep. 

“The blessings of the Lord make one rich and add no sorrow with it and toiling will not increase it” (Proverbs 10:22). Consider that just isn’t talking about natural riches; it means wealth in general.

Some of you may be feeling slightly perplexed in this season with reasonings going up to Heaven such as, “But Lord, I thought this was a season of increase? I thought this was a season where ‘such and such’ was going to happen? I thought this was increase!”

I Didn’t Think It Would Look Like This!

Do not feel perplexed if things are not going to “your” plan. I feel the Lord is saying that this is the part where you are decreasing in order that He might fulfill that which He has said, and then bring increase in those areas you have been crying out for!

“Your” way of doing it must decrease. Your desire for recognition must decrease. Your need for control over people and situations must decrease. Your judgments and opinions must decrease. Your fear and timidity must decrease. Your selfishness must decrease, and so on and so on…get the drift?

We want REVIVAL. We want the Kingdom to have a mass harvest of souls added. We want miracles, signs and wonders! We want all these things, which is a noble desire, but there is a positioning for this. We MUST DECREASE in order for Him to INCREASE.

The Glory Will Rise Upon the Lowly

The places and lives where the glory of God will rise upon in these coming days will be where there is a people who have allowed themselves to decrease, so that He may increase!

What area do you need Him to increase? Where in your life is it you want to see His Spirit move in the way only He can? The question to ask then is: “Where must I decrease, Lord?” Because the Lord gives more and more grace to the humble (see James 4:6).

Don’t be perplexed or confused. You are getting set for increase and are being conditioned to maintain and carry the increase He is pouring out on you, so you don’t blow up under the weight of His glory. Yes, you are receiving your prayer: you are decreasing so He may increase in your life. Decrease is the formula for increase.

Anita Alexander is a prophetic revivalist who has a heart for revival, healing and transformation. Motivated by an intense love for the Body of Christ, Anita’s passion and compassion is to see the Church forsake religion and tradition, awaken to the Father’s love and arise and walk in the overcoming identity as sons and daughters of the Kingdom. Anita and her husband Dr. Sasha Alexander travel nationally and internationally ministering in revival fire that brings resurrection life, healing and awakening to the Body of Christ. They are co-founders and senior ministers of Revival Flame Ministries, Golden City Church, and University of the Spirit Ministry Training School and reside in Gold Coast, Australia.

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