This alone can be a tool in the enemy’s hand against the people of God.
By Kim Potter
Stress and conception. I did not realize there was a viable connection until recently. While flipping through the channels one night, I heard a statement that captured my attention. It was a doctor speaking. He stated, “stress makes it extremely difficult to conceive.” Apparently, when under significant stress, the probability of conception is reduced greatly. I also found that even animals shut down their reproductive functions in times of stress. Not only in times of stress, but also in times of scarce resources.
As I continued to listen, God began to speak to me. He said, “It is the same in the Spirit. It is very difficult to conceive when you are in stress, fear or anxiety. It is not the breeding ground for a miracle to be conceived.” He went on to explain, “It is also very difficult to hear My voice when you are in stress or anxious. You hear My voice when you are at peace. I am not in chaos; I am a God of peace.”
I began to think about how this alone can be a tool in the enemy’s hand against the people of God. When he attacks, stress comes, anxiety comes, and sometimes fear comes. When this happens, it is very difficult to hear God. Often when stress and fear come, we become desperate. This changes the way we seek God. It can change the way we pray. We will seek Him out of desperation and not faith. If stress and anxiety remain, it will be difficult to hear God. It will be even more difficult for you to conceive the miracle you need.
Isn’t it interesting that in many cases reproductive functions shut down during times of stress and scarce resources? If you are a Christian, on fire for God, the last thing the enemy wants is for you to reproduce. If he could stop another person from being born again, he would, but he can’t, as long as we keep spreading the word and bringing others out of bondage and into the Kingdom of God. He desires to shut down your reproductive functions and he wants to do that through bringing stress and scarce resources into your life. I realize that when attacks come it is extremely difficult to not be stressed; to not feel the pressure of the attack. Yes, it is difficult but not impossible.
For me, when I know the enemy’s tactics it helps me. Knowing that he is trying to stop me from conceiving what God has for me, empowers me. Knowing he will use stress to try to stop me, helps me see stress differently. I think it is interesting that not only stress hinders conception, but also lack, or scare resources. I can see how this would happen. Often, when people are in lack, especially if it has been continual, they become desperate. Our peace comes from trusting God. When we become fearful or desperate, it is more difficult to trust God. It is more difficult to pray for a place of faith.
The Bible says in Isaiah 26:3, God will keep us in perfect peace when our mind is stayed upon Him. I have this promise in my life at times when I should have had no peace. Each time, as I kept my mind on God and his word, I had peace. It is when we get our mind off God and on the situation that peace leaves. When our peace leaves, the conception of our answer is hindered. Jesus is our Prince of Peace. God is the author of peace. The Bible says that Jesus gave us HIS peace. It is great peace that can endure the cross and come out the other side. The enemy could not and did not stop Him from reproducing. Neither can he stop us, if we will remain in peace.
It is my prayer for you that whatever challenge or battle the enemy has brought into your life, you refuse to focus on the battle. Instead keep your eyes on Jesus, the author and finisher of your faith. Keep your mind stayed upon God. Pursue Peace today, resist stress and anxiety. It is from the enemy. It is one his ways of stopping or at the least, hindering conception. Give it no place, pursue peace. Keep your mind on God.
Kim Potter is president and founder of A New Thing Ministries. She was ordained by Dr. Norvel Hayes of New Life Bible Church & Norvel Hayes Ministries, in Cleveland, TN. A New Thing Ministries was founded in 2005, and today reaches thousands of readers daily. In addition to daily writing, Kim speaks at conferences and meetings nationwide. Kim’s message is a message of hope, and she speaks to the heart of those who have become discouraged and disappointed by the circumstances they face in life. She encourages people to press into God and discover that He is who He says He is. Nothing is more precious to her than the times she spends in the secret place with her God; from this place of oneness with Him, her anointing flows. Kim has witnessed God’s dramatic healing power, both in her own life as well as with her daughter and many others.
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