We have entered into a time of spiritual and natural earthquakes and eruptions where the spiritual will be paralleled by the natural.
By Charlie Shamp
Prophetic Word released January 4, 2018 from Charles Shamp:
A Vision of Two E’s
I saw two E’s resting over the earth: earthquakes and eruptions. We have entered into a time of spiritual and natural earthquakes and eruptions where the spiritual will be paralleled by the natural.
It will be a time of great rejoicing for some, but great sorrow for others. Great grace will be needed by the Church during this time to walk in the days ahead. The choice of desire will be handed to nations, sealed for a time and season. Over the past few weeks I have been feeling the earth move under my feet. The ground has felt unsettling to me. As I have been waiting on the Lord, nations flashed before me.
I heard the Lord say, “There will be sizable shakings of the ground in 2018. Natural earthquakes will greatly increase this year across the nations, but so too will My glory.”
Shaking with: Revival, Renewal, Resurrection and Restoration
I could see and feel major shakings coming in the earth physically on a much greater level than we have seen in the past. I could see great shakings that moved the ground in the natural. It was a massive force that caused the soil to be moved. I could hear people saying, “Why has this happened? Why has this earthquake come so that the soil of our country has been shaken?” I looked to the mountains and they were quaking and all the hills moved back and forth. I looked again and I saw other nations and they were shaking with Revival, Renewal, Resurrection and Restoration.
The voices of the people shook the ground as they shouted for joy. I could hear the people say, “Why has this happened? Why has this revival come so that the soul of our country has been shaken?”
The Lord would say, “All around you creation is pregnant with desire, but who will give birth to My desires? Who will follow My path, My plan? Who will let Me lead them by the hand? The difficult times of pain throughout the world at this time are simply birth pangs that have come. It is not only around you, but it is within the people. I am arousing My creation from within, shaking out corruption and destruction to bring My desires forth. There has been barrenness in many places, but many are yearning for full deliverance. I am going to shake up everything—turn some nations upside down. There will be natural shakings in the nations, yes a natural earthquake will be felt.
“In a nation that desired for war to shake the ground in the Middle East: You have plotted against My people, you have plotted against My Israel and you will be shaken. Your land will shake; your ground will quake. I will overturn a royal throne and shatter the power of a kingdom that has come against My people. I will overthrow your government, dismantle your weapons and armaments and throw your army into confusion. The desire you have had to utterly destroy My people will come upon you unless you repent.
“Others have blessed and prayed for peace and My presence, what you have desired will come to you and your nation. I will fill many with My glory across the earth for that has been their desire, but first a great sign will be seen!”
A Mountain on Fire
I came and stood under a mountain and this mountain burned with fire to the middle of Heaven. The mountain melted beneath me and the valleys split apart. Fire ran down like water rushing down a slope. I said, “Where have I been taken?”
I heard the Lord say, “This is the Mountain of God that sits in the continent of Africa. I will cause it to erupt, it will be a sign to My people that I am releasing a fresh outpouring upon the earth. It will be for a sign and a wonder that I have torn open the heavens and come down in this generation. This sight that the mountain has erupted will be a mighty sign that My fire flows down to touch the nations. A river of fire will pour out of My throne and like a wildfire the Holy Spirit will spread through the nations in a fresh way. Many will experience a new wave of revival.”
Charles and Brynn Shamp are the founders of Destiny Encounters. They have a true passion for revival and the glory of God. Compelled by the heart of the Father to seek and save the lost, they are releasing God’s love to the world seeing the captives delivered, the sick healed, and lives changed. Charles and Brynn believe that through outreach, missions, and crusade evangelism, one life changed can impact a nation and transform a generation. Charles and Brynn have answered the call to lead a generation in the movement of both the Word and the Spirit. With the power of an encounter they are truly unlocking a generation’s destiny one heart at a time.
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