I recently received a question from a prophet in a local church in America. The question went something like this:
What do you do when there you are discontent in your local church? Although I am in an apostolic/prophetic church, I still see so much that makes me want to run. In fact, I believe in being a part of a strong local assembly, but have been so badly wounded by people who know better but are themselves struggling to come into that new place. I just feel “STUCK” in this “PLACE” that I now feel I am “man-pleasing” and going through ritualism just to STAY IN CHURCH!!”
While we don’t understand the total situation of this prophet, there are some guidelines for safety that might help us avoid making the wrong decision about leaving a church God intends for us to stay in.
If it’s a dead church where the Holy Spirit isn’t hanging out, get out. If the transition of a church is slow, that’s normal. No church is perfect.
The devil always tries to get us to unplug and run from where we are really supposed to be. The devil will always try to drive a wedge between the prophets and the apostles/leaders. The devil will always find plenty of people to agree with what’s wrong in a church.
If the leaders are in known sin, then get out from under that covering. But if it’s presumption or just personality clashes or your own frustration over other people’s failure to “catch on” or transition quickly enough, that’s not the right motivation for leaving.
Could it be possible that if the prophets came together and prayed for God’s foundation to be laid and a strong apostolic-prophetic ministry to be built that you would see a change in time?
Mind you, I am talking about praying His will, not praying witchcraft, i.e. praying for people to change or to do something you want them to do.
No matter what, it’s our responsibility to pray for the leadership. Pray for wisdom, grace, strategies. If we aren’t doing that, then we have no right to complain. Ultimately, we need to hear from God on the matter.
But the Holy Spirit doesn’t speak with a forked tongue. If He called you there, you shouldn’t be too quick to leave without making sure He’s calling you to leave. It could just be that the Holy Spirit is using a situation to break you so He can put an even greater anointing on you.
Want to know how false prophets become false prophets? If you can handle the truth, check out my book “A Prophet’s Heart.” You’ll also get a free prophetic podcast and e-book.