Should People ‘Copyright’ Prophetic Words?

Should People ‘Copyright’ Prophetic Words?

Jeremiah didn’t copyright his prophetic words. Nor did Isaiah, Samuel, Moses, David, Nathan, Zechariah, Elijah, Elisha, Amos, Michah, Zephaniah… OK, you get the picture. So when I see people in the Body of Christ copyrighting what “thus saith the Lord,” it disturbs my spirit. 

Think about it for a minute. According to Miriam-Webster, a copyright is “the exclusive legal right to reproduce, publish, sell or distribute the matter and form of something.” When someone violates your copyright, you have a right to file a lawsuit against them for financial damages. Doesn’t it seem silly to copyright a prophetic word, then? Doesn’t it seem outrageous to put God’s word in a legally protected box and be prepared to sue someone who shares it?

A true prophetic word from God should be freely distributable. In fact, if God is really speaking—and if He told you to release the word rather than just praying about it—then why on earth would anyone want to restrict the mass reproduction and distribution of God’s genuine prophetic utterance?

God certainly isn’t trying to limit his voice on the earth. But there is a spirit that works actively to cut off God’s voice in the earth. That spirit is called Jezebel. There’s also a spirit that seeks to merchandise God’s word and gifts. That spirit is called Balaam. There is also a spirit that seeks to apply rules and regulations to the point that it kills the spirit of a thing. That’s called a religious spirit.

Now, while we’re on the subject, we should address the source of such a prophecy. I submit to you that someone who would take the time to copyright a prophetic word—or even suggest that it is copyrighted whether it is or not by adding the copyright symbol—may not be the best spokesperson for God. Again, I don’t see any prophets in the Bible seeking to put constraints on God’s prophetic word.

Could it be possible that spirits of Jezebel, Balaam and religion have infiltrated prophetic ministry and it’s manifesting through control, merchandising and even copyrighting a prophetic utterance?

Notice the very definition of the word “copyright.” It’s the exclusive legal right to “sell” something. My brothers and sisters, we don’t sell God’s prophetic words. Freely we receive, freely we give. It’s fine to copyright translations of the Bible that were put together with plenty of hard work from scholars. That’s not what I am talking about here. I’m not talking about books, CDs, articles, or other forms of work man originates either, even by the inspiration of God. I’m not talking about your revelations. I’m talking about a pure plain and simple prophetic word. There is no reason to copyright what the Lord has said. The spirit behind this practice is indeed disturbing.

Ever wonder how false prophets become false prophets? Check out my book, “A Prophet’s Heart”—but only if you can handle the truth. You’ll also get a free prophetic podcast and an e-book on prayer when you order today.

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