It doesn’t take a prophet to discern Kanye West’s calling. It’s no wonder the spirits of religion and Jezebel persecute him with such a vengeance.
Kanye West is a modern-day prophet on a social justice mission. He’s got a bolder and more accurate prophetic voice than some who call themselves prophets in the church today.
To be sure, he’s not tickling anyone’s ears. He’s not operating in the fear of man. He’s not striving for a platform. He’s not making any apologies. He’s not prophesying mates, dates, babies, rainbows and unicorns. And he doesn’t offer a sugar-coated “prophecy of the month” with empty promises that leaves ill-equipped saints disillusioned.
In fact, Kanye has already made strong stances on issues some seeker-friendly pastors refuse to take on, including abortion, greed, the plight of single mothers, the justice system, slavery, and Christian hypocrisy. At the same time, his lyrics call for forgiveness and love.
The fact that some are already calling him a false prophet (Google it) is noteworthy.
Blessings or Woe?
Jesus once said, “Blessed are you when men revile you, and persecute you, and say all kinds of evil against you falsely for My sake. Rejoice and be very glad, because great is your reward in heaven, for in this manner they persecuted the prophets who were before you” (Matthew 5:11-12). But Jesus also said, “Woe to you, when all men speak well of you, for so their fathers spoke of the false prophets” (Luke 6:26).
What is a prophet? A mouthpiece for God; one who shares the mind and will of God. The prophet does more than predict the future. The prophet does more than edify, exhort and comfort. The prophet drops a plumb line. The prophet challenges sin. The prophet cries, “Let justice roll down like waters!” (Amos 5:24) The prophet calls for a fast that looses the chains of injustice and unties the cords of the yoke, to set the oppressed free (see Isaiah 58:6).
Kanye, like Jeremiah and every other prophet, was called from his mother’s womb. As he stays the course, Kanye will grow and change into the image of Christ over the next many years. God is still making him, shaping him, molding him and breaking him. In my book, The Making of a Prophet, I speak of how the making begins before salvation. God knows we will answer His call and uses our pre-Christian experiences to prepare us for what He originally intended.
Kanye was partially prepared to be a voice, to wear Christ’s heart on his sleeve, and to innovate for the Kingdom before He knew the Lord. Now that he has stepped into the first stages of his calling, God will use some of the traits that made him famous for His glory. Kanye is not afraid of the “powers that be” and seems ready to organize a showdown at the proverbial Mt. Carmel.
Jezebel Want to Kill Kanye
Jezebel wants to kill the prophets, and Kanye has become a target. One thing is sure, if you have a price Jezebel will find it. Kanye put Jezebel on notice in his blockbuster song, Closed on Sunday, when repeated twice, “Jezebel don’t even stand a chance.”
Jezebel—which is essentially a spirit of seduction according to Revelation 2:20—will no doubt take her best shot, but the reality is with freedom from his sex addiction he broke free of Jezebel’s immoral seduction. Kanye cast down his idols and cast out his demons. He will not be one of Jezebel’s puppets.
We need to keep Kanye in prayer. He has truly made Jesus more famous with Jesus is King. There’s more to come, and as I said in my previous article, the enemy wants him dead.