Prophetic panting, dancing, worship and scribing is nothing new, but I see a notable rise in schools to equip and train people in artful expressions that edify the church.
Those who have anointings, knowledge and skill will be compelled to teach others their prophetic craft. It’s time, so to speak, to throw the mantle on a new generation that hungers for purity and expresses the heart of God.
Just as we see the “sons of the prophets” in the Bible, we will see the “sons of the artists” emerge. I see centers for prophetic arts gathering, training and sending people into their prophetic destinies to minster to the Lord.
God created art and is the Master Artist. He created the heavens and the earth, the sun, the moon and the stars—and it’s magnificent. We see God filled people in the Old Testament with His Sprit, with skill, with knowledge, with craftsmanship—to create artistic designs (see Exodus 35:30-35).
As more training in prophetic arts is available, I see a wave of those who had very little training rising up with creative artistic expressions that turn heads and make headlines. We will see those who were curious become creative.
Some who have never played an instrument will learn in weeks. Those who could not sing on key will find God has touched their voice. Those who have never written a book suddenly find inspiration and revelation that causes them to write like the wind.
We will see new expressions of God’s beauty in various artful mediums in 2020 and beyond—and it will offend the religious. Emerging artists will meet with persecution but the hate will fuel the love expressed through song, dance, words and music.
Look for it. If you are a prophetic artist, contact us through the Global Prophetic Center.