Prophecy: I See the Rise of Power Seers

Prophecy: I See the Rise of Power Seers

Prophetically speaking, I see the rise of what I call power seers.

What are power seers? Well, you’ve probably heard of power evangelism in which evangelists demonstrate the power of God through the gifts of the Holy Spirit. Indeed, Holy Ghost power—power even lost souls cannot deny—is part and parcel of soul-winning campaigns. The signs and wonders that follow power evangelists confirm Jesus is alive.

I’m reminded of Mark 16:20—the disciples “went out and preached everywhere, the Lord working with them and confirming the word through the accompanying signs.”

Power seers will see, hear and say with the accuracy of original Old Testament seers like Samuel. Holy Spirit boldness will toughen these seers, who will rise up and push back fear of man that tempts too many to keep silent about the prophetic visions He leads them to share. Power seers are not afraid to unflinchingly address sin in the church and call for repentance while praying for mercy.

Power seers will not only walk in signs, they will become walking talking signs that prophesy what they see and demonstrate their dreams and visions in prophetic acts that turn the hearts of people back to the Father. Some will be parabolic prophets like Ezekiel who at times see great visions and at times sacrifice their own dignity to communicate what the Holy Spirit is saying to the church (see Ezekiel 4).

Get the book, Power Seers: Keys to Upgrading Your Prophetic Vision, here.

Power seers will speak to kings and those in authority by the greater authority of Jesus Christ. Leaders with a pure heart like King David will receive God’s manifold wisdom through uncompromising power seers. Those with an evil heart like King Jeroboam will reject the word of the Lord through the mouths of seer prophets.

Power seers will arise from within prisons and within palaces, from all walks of life and all denominations. They will carry the ability to communicate the same messages to different people groups. Like Paul, power seers will become all things to all people so that by all possible means they may get through to some (see 1 Corinthians 9:22).

Powers seers will have personal power encounters with God. They will experience a rise in angelic visitations. They will see epic visions akin to Book of Revelation scenes as we move closer to the end-times. They will record dramatic dreams that offer direction the world desperately needs in the coming days.

Like power evangelists, power seers will find God is confirming the word with accompanying signs. Consider 1 Samuel 3:19-20, “So Samuel grew, and the Lord was with him and let none of his words fall to the ground. And all Israel from Dan to Beersheba knew that Samuel had been established as a prophet of the Lord.”

Get the book, Power Seers: Keys to Upgrading Your Prophetic Vision, here.

Want more? You can join the Company of Seers, enroll in the School of the Seers here. You can find my books on the seer anointing in this special category on my website. Or visit and look for The Seer Dimensions, Power Seers and Seer Activations with my name, Jennifer LeClaire.

Take the 30-Day Seer Challenge and go deeper with video instruction here.

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