Prophecy: China Information Bombshell Will Shock the World

Prophecy: China Information Bombshell Will Shock the World

In an Information Age, it’s no surprise information is a weapon—but revelation can diffuse the assault.

On April 23, the Holy Spirit showed me China is hiding information that needs to be released in the next 30 days—information that could impact the next 30 years.

The Holy Spirit described this as “shocking information.” This information has been kept under wraps since before the coronavirus pandemic erupted in Wuhan. However, there is a tie to the plagues—and the Holy Spirit told me there would be two more plagues after this current pandemic. In a March 20, 2020 vision I saw Covid-19 splitting and mutating.

With the China bombshell warning, the Lord reminded me of the prophetic word I released in January 2, 2020 about global realignment of nations, political parties and churches. Part of it reads:

“Global political power will shift. The United States will wane in global influence unless the church in America rises up in prayer and restores the foundations of Christianity. Meanwhile, China will continue its rise in power in attempts to rival the U.S. and usurp our authority as the policeman of the world. Islamic nations will push for power through violence, which is nothing new, but more horrifying violence is planned.” (You can read the rest of this prophetic word here).

Beyond Trade Secrets and Bioweapons

China’s hidden information goes beyond trade secrets. It goes beyond speculated bioweapons. It goes beyond digital currency. It goes beyond cyberwars to the point of world domination.

All eyes will be on China and shock and awe will follow the revelation of this information; information that needs to be exposed to the world in the next 30 days to avoid a crisis that ripples over the next 30 years.

China will not volunteer this information. We need to pray for a whistleblower to rise up and leak these shocking secrets to the media world. We need this information to be shouted from the rooftops not just whispered to prophets who will be labeled a conspiracy theorists. This hidden intelligence needs to be exposed and trumpeted far and wide for the world to hear and the secular media to validate.

Of course, there’s been talk by economic pundits and futurists long before now about China’s move to rule the world. However, while the eyes of many have been on jihadists working in the Middle East and Europe, China has been planning its own war on the world.

A Perfect Storm

In the prophetic word I released on Jan. 2, it’s clear there’s a perfect storm on the horizon with China leading the way. The world says, “Knowledge is power.” The Word says it this way, “My people perish for lack of knowledge” (Hosea 4:6). Both are true.

We need to pray that the depths of this hidden information is revealed not just to a few prophets who know in part and prophesy in part but to the ends of the earth. This is one of those times when secular media could be true service in the earth by disseminating information in every language so that intercessors from every tongue can push back the darkness that aims to steal, kill and destroy destinies of nations.

As I said in my Jan. 2 prophecy, all of this is positioning the world to see a fuller manifestation of Matthew 24:6-8, in which Jesus said:

“And you will hear of wars and rumors of wars. See that you are not troubled; for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet. For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. And there will be famines, pestilences, and earthquakes in various places. All these are the beginning of sorrows.” (Read the whole prophecy here.)

In a perfect world, I would have more to share but with a 30-day timeline, and after wrestling with it overnight and receiving nothing more, I felt led to share what I have. Maybe others will have more.

This information will eventually come to light. But it needs to come to light in this 30-day window. The enemy is working to change times. The end is not here. yet. Let’s pray.

If the information doesn’t come to light, we can at least know there is something deeper we haven’t seen, pray for more revelation and push back darkness collectively.

7 Urgent Prayer Points

Here are seven urgent prayer points. You can join us in prayer over these points and connect with other intercessors at our Global Prayer Room here.

1. Pray for evil works in the nations to be exposed (see Eph. 5:11).

2. Pray that wicked plans and purposes would be exposed by the light and becomes visible (see Eph. 5:13).

3. Pray nothing is hidden that will not be made manifest, nor anything secret that will not be known and come to light (see Luke 8:17).

4. Pray that God will being evil secrets to judgment (see Ecc. 12:14).

5. Pray that hidden information is leaked by credible informants.

6. Pray against false flags that distract us on the information trail.

7. Pray for a whistleblower to rise up and leak these shocking secrets to the media world.

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