Prophecy Calls Forth Worshipping Watchmen

Prophecy Calls Forth Worshipping Watchmen

We are in the hour of the watchman! God is calling watchmen from all walks of life to watch and pray—to intercede without ceasing; to bind the enemy’s plans and to wait for the King of Glory.

At Awakening House of Prayer’s Ft. Lauderdale campus, during an intimate time of worship, the Holy Spirit began to speak to me about worshipping watchmen. I heard the Lord say:

“I am calling forth my worshiping watchmen! I am calling forth even now my worshiping watchmen—those who will watch for My glory; those who will watch for the coming of My Son; those who will watch for the angelic host arming themselves for the battle ahead.”

“Worship Me in Spirit and in truth, and watch for Me because I am watching over you and will show you things to come in the glory. I will cause you to dwell and watch in the glory.

“So build your towers of prayer. Build them high. Ascend to the holy hill in My presence. Clean hands, pure heart—that is your calling, that is your mission! No longer will you only watch for the opposition, but you will watch for My glory. You will watch for My presence. You will watch for the coming of My Kingdom. You will watch.”

Worship and Watching Collide

This is a pivotal word for the season. I believe the worship movement and the prayer movement are colliding in a strong way even now.

I believe the intercessors will worship their way into the glory and the worship leaders will pray their way into the glory. I believe there’s a synergy that we’ve seen but haven’t fully tapped into that is being released in this hour.

Yes, we’ve seen 24/7 prayer and worship at IHOPKC now for decades, but the Holy Spirit is pouring out the watchman anointing on the worship leaders and pouring out an anointing to worship on the watchmen intercessors.

In Spirit and Truth

Can you see it? Jesus is looking for watchmen who will worship Him in spirit and in truth, according to John 4:24. I love The Passion Translation of this verse: “For God is a Spirit, and he longs to have sincere worshipers who adore him in the realm of the Spirit and in truth.”

In this new watchman movement, He is bringing together the warriors, worshippers and watchmen to do together what they haven’t been able to do alone. As a community, God wants us to learn how to watch in the glory and respond from that place in the glory where His voice is crystal clear.

Ruth Ward Heflin used to say, “Praise until the worship comes, then worship until the glory comes, and then praise in the glory.” I might add, “Watch and pray in the glory.” Watchman, rise up!

Check out my new book, The Making of a Watchman, along with the companion course that contains even more content not in the book: Walking in the Watchman Anointing.

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