A Shocking Witchcraft Strategy Against Your Life

A Shocking Witchcraft Strategy Against Your Life

Are you being hypnotized without knowing it?

You may never go to a hypnotist, but did you know that there are many subtle ways you can be hypnotized and lose control of your senses by false prophets operating in counterfeit anointings.

Indeed, you don’t have to lock eyes with a watch swinging back and forth to be hypnotized. There’s a practice called covert hypnosis. You can be hypnotized by false prophets speaking in a soothing voice while they release false prophecy to your soul.

You may remember Glen Twiddle, a real estate trainer who climbed to fame through the Australian television show Current Affair. He used hypnotic techniques to sway the minds of property shoppers. False prophets do the same thing to get you to bend to their doctrines of demons, pledge loyalty to their ministry and tap into your pockets.

Hypnotism and Witchcraft

Many years ago, Derek Prince taught me that hypnotism comes from the realm of witchcraft. This makes sense, given the experience of the church of Galatia.

Paul said, “Oh, foolish Galatians! What magician has hypnotized you and cast an evil spell upon you? For you used to see the meaning of Jesus Christ’s death as clearly as though I had waved a placard before you with a picture on it of Christ dying on the cross” (Galatians 3:1, TLB).

Paul was upset because the Galatians received Christ through faith, but someone bewitched them. Someone released an evil spell over their minds that caused them to believe a lie and pursue a course of action that defied the terms of their salvation. They started following, essentially, false apostles with a false gospel that distracted them from the simplicity of Christ. Paul called down a curse on them.

If you have come under a witchcraft spell or any kind of healing power other than the Holy Spirit, pray this prayer with me:

Father, in the name of Jesus, forgive me for pursuing prophetic words from people instead of your heart. Forgive me for being deceived. I command every evil seed planted in my soul through witchcraft to come out now, in the name of Jesus. Fill me again with Your Holy Spirit.

Check out my new book Deliverance from Prophetic Witchcraft. Remember also the earlier books Discerning Prophetic Witchcraft and Exposing Prophetic Witchcraft.

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