Prayer for Colorado | 5050 Prayer Campaign

Prayer for Colorado | 5050 Prayer Campaign


As part of Awakening Prayer Hub’s 5050 Campaign, we’re praying for one state each week until election week 2024. It’s a critical time to pray for the United States and each state plays a role in the union. Join the campaign at

Known prophetically as the “Breaking the Drought” State, Colorado has seen its fair share of controversy, including presidential ballot bans and paramedics found guilty in the death of Elijah McClain.

Then there’s the high cost of living in Colorado, from housing and health insurance to water bills and entertainment. The problem is swelling. Homelessness is a growing issue, as well as overpopulation and overdevelopment, the local economy, education and public safety.

This week, Awakening Prayer Hubs is praying for Colorado. Join the campaign at You’ll get sign ups for the Zoom calls and more!

Let’s pray:

  • Enter into identificational repentance of the history of greed and robbing of God in times of economic prosperity; bloodshed including the history of the Colorado war and the innocent; for ungodly treatment and covenants made with the First Nations tribes.
  • Break all ungodly demonic covenants that required Colorado to come under the gods of the Apache, Arapaho, Cheyenne, Pueblo, Shoshone, Comanche, Kiowa, and Navajo tribes (see Ex. 23:32-33).
  • Pray God’s people in Colorado will be glory carriers moving throughout the State as He directs. Decree they will arise and shine, for their light has come, and the glory of the Lord rises upon them (see Is. 60:1).
  • Call forth the original design and purpose for Colorado. Call each city out of sin and darkness (see Deut. 30:19; Num. 6:24-26; Prov. 10:11).
  • Pray for a spirit of wisdom and revelation to fall upon the people of Colorado.
  • Pray for a dismantling of all wicked plans of the enemy involving gun violence in the schools. Pray for protection over the campuses in Colorado at every education level.
  • Plead the blood of Jesus over Colorado.
  • Pray for God to send protecting angels on assignment guard and keep the children from violence on school grounds, thwarting those who seek to do evil. Ask God to send angels to war on behalf of Colorado’s redemptive purpose.
  • Pray the peace of Christ, a blanket of peace, over the state of Colorado. Cover the classrooms, playgrounds, cafeterias, libraries—every part of the school campuses—with the blood of Jesus, the spirit of love, peace, joy, and kindness ask God to let His presence permeate the atmosphere of learning.
  • Pray for the uprooting of all terror cells and exposure of demonic plans throughout the land.
  • Take authority over the spirit of racism operating to divide and separate the people of Colorado. Declare racism is eradicated.
  • Bind the spirit of violence that is bringing destruction, turmoil, strife, division, murder, and hate to Colorado.
  • Decree Isaiah 60:18, “Violence shall no more be heard in your land, destruction nor calamity within your borders; but you shall call your walls Salvation, and your gates praise.”
  • Bind murder, mass murder, premature death, and violence in this state that has plagued Colorado with school, theater, and church shootings.
  • Loose life, love, mercy, and compassion over Colorado. Speak life over the state.
  • Pray for the Colorado 2024 elections; for governmental Kingdom reformers to rise up who stand for truth. Pray for righteous rulership of current state and city officials; for Governor Polis, all Mayors and those in leadership. Claim them for Jesus—to turn from immoral lives and rule righteously over the state of Colorado.
  • Pray laws legalizing drugs like marijuana and mushrooms be overturned.  Pray for waves of deliverance and healing from drugs as we stand in the gap and stand firm against the plan of the enemy to destroy this generation.
  • Decree Colorado shall be a haven for families and life and no longer a haven for abortion, in Jesus name.
  • Pray for the conviction of the Holy Spirit to fall upon every abortion doctor, abortion nurse, abortion administrator, and others who have a hand in the murder of innocent babies so they can remove their foot from evil.
  • Pray for all those who have had an abortion, mother, and father and all those who agreed to this act, would repent and turn to Jesus for healing and find salvation.
  • Pray the Body of Christ in Colorado would unite in the plight against abortion that legalizes an abortion up until birth.
  • Pray there will be no schisms within Christ’s Bride (see 2 Cor. 13:11).
  • Pray for dignity of every human life will be respected and protected from conception to natural death, even after an attempt to abort a baby (see Gen. 1:27; Genesis 9:6).
  • Decree justice and righteousness will be the foundation of this state.
  • Pray for the children in Colorado and declare the divine power of God destroys every stronghold and demonic influence that may try to hinder their lives (see 2 Cor. 10:4).
  • Break every assignment of darkness against the children in Colorado. Declare God will give children in Colorado the wisdom and discernment needed, filling them with knowledge and understanding, that they may make good decisions and recognize any form of danger or harm (see Prov. 2:6).
  • Pray God will guide them in paths of righteousness and protect them from the enemy’s deceitful schemes (see Prov. 2:6)
  • Pray for the Gospel light of Christ to penetrate the darkness in schools, entertainment and other venues and industries where children are put at risk of natural and spiritual danger. Pray that God’s light expels darkness from their midst (see 2 Cor. 4:4).
  • Ask God to give the children a spirit of prayer, that they would know their authority and be strong enough to stand up against dark powers rather than being tempted by them (see Luke 10:19).
  • Pray purity would be the new trend that sweeps through schools (Genesis 1:27).
  • Intercede for a righteous remnant to rise up in every mountain of societal influence in this state to be the light in darkness; that there would be a shift towards a standard of holiness in these spheres.
  • Pray for evangelists to rise up and laborers be sent to Colorado releasing the power of the cross, the Gospel and Kingdom mission (see Rev. 2:4; Matthew 6:33; Philippians 2:2).
  • Pray that the Holy Spirit would not be hindered in the churches in Colorado. Let Cessationists see God moving in miracles, signs, and wonders in their midst (see Joel 2:28, 1 Thes. 5:19-22).
  • Let the churches in Colorado work together and experience unity. Let the Body of Christ be an example to the lost of what unity looks like, and how to walk in unity with others, sharing resources and ideas to advance the Kingdom (see Ps. 133:1-3; John 17:21).
  • Declare the treasure of this state will be seen throughout the United States.
  • Declare revival, awakening, and societal reformational will spread across the entire state of Colorado.

Want to go deeper with us in prayer for revival and major issues in cities around the world?

If you can pray just thirty minutes a month for your city, you qualify.

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