The Master Key to Effective National Elections Prayer

The Master Key to Effective National Elections Prayer

With over sixty elections in nations around the world this year—and with the enemy working overtime to change the time and laws, according to Daniel 7:25—it’s critical that intercessors stand united for the cause of righteous rule.

Solomon offered this wisdom: “When the godly are in authority, the people rejoice. But when the wicked are in power, they groan” (Prov. 29:2). And again, “When the righteous thrive, the city rejoices” (see Prov. 11:10). And again, “When the righteous triumph, there is great glory, but when the wicked rise, men hide themselves” (Prov. 18:12).

As Christians, we may not always agree on every political issue, but we can all agree on Matthew 6:10: We want to see God’s will done and His Kingdom come on earth as it is in heaven. We can also agree we need government officials in our nations who will stand for righteousness and religious liberty so the gospel can be preached. And we can agree God wants to bring a great awakening—and a great harvest—and prayer is a forerunner of revival.

A United Prayer Anointing

David, the king who never lost a battle, understood this powerful truth: “Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity! It is like the precious oil upon the head, running down on the beard, the beard of Aaron, running down on the edge of his garments. It is like the dew of Hermon, descending upon the mountains of Zion; For there the Lord commanded the blessing—Life forevermore” (Psalm 133).

I want to see the Lord’s commanded blessings in our nations—and I know you do, too. So the question, then, is how do we pray on one accord and tap into that power, anointing, and blessing when we may have different political perspectives—and may even be voting for opposing candidates?

We can unite around God’s will in a spirit of humility.

Here are some thoughts on how we can agree in prayer in this year’s elections:

Pray the Word. God’s Word is His will. We know when we pray anything according to His will, He hears us—and if we know He hears us, whatever we ask, we know that we have He will give us what we ask for (see 1 John 5:14-15). That’s a powerful promise with so much hanging in the balance in nations this year.

Pray your values. Discern what’s most important to God—and to you as a peace-loving Christian—on any given topic, and pray along those lines.

Pray for righteous rulership in your nation.

Pray for candidates who prioritize religious freedom to keep or take office.

Pray for safe, peaceful, and just elections.

Pray against corruption and integrity at polling stations.

Pray against political violence before, during and after elections.

Pray candidates are surrounded by godly advisors.

Pray for honesty in campaigns.

Pray the media will report truthfully and that God will raise up authentic media outlets.

Pray persistently no matter what the media reports. Jesus says we should pray and never give up.

Pray as the Holy Spirit leads you.

It’s been said Mary, Queen of Scots, feared the prayers of revivalist John Knox more than she feared all the armies of Scotland. Much the same, Satan fears the prayers of the saints because he knows our united intercession in Jesus’ name is more powerful than any earthly army.

The enemy works to distract us from praying or divide us along political party lines because he fears what will happen when we pray on one accord. He wants to stop the Great Awakening, revival, and reformation that’s on God’s heart. But when we stand together, God will get the glory.

Imagine the power of prayer camps around the world agreeing with God in intercession for His perfect will in our respective elections. There are 2.6 billion Christ followers walking the earth right now. When we unite under the banner of Christ—praying for His will to be done and His Kingdom to come—we will unleash tremendous prayer power.

So vote and pray—and pray some more—and may God’s perfect will be done in your nation.

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