Pray for Nevada | Awakening Prayer Hubs

Pray for Nevada | Awakening Prayer Hubs

As part of Awakening Prayer Hub’s 5050 Campaign, we’re praying for one state each week until election week 2024. It’s a critical time to pray for the United States and each state plays a role in the union. Join the campaign at

Known Prophetically as the “Transformation State,” Nevada achieved statehood during the American Civil War.

The state is famous for the nefarious “Sin City” (Las Vegas) and has historically been among the swing states in U.S. elections. In fact, “The Silver State,” as its also called, has voted for the winning presidential candidate in 31 of 38 elections, and in all but one (1976) since 1912.

Among other things, Nevada is famous for gambling, extravagant hotels, rich silver deposits, Hoover Dam, Area 51, the Mojave Desert, the Burning Man Festival, and Lake Tahoe. But for all the ugly sin and natural beauty, Nevada has significant challenges.

Nevada has the worst unemployment rate in the country. Gas and grocery prices are still among the nation’s highest. And housing costs have soared. That on top of limited water resources and a population increase that has led to increased congestion, traffic and a strain on the infrastructure is frustrating many residents. On top of all this are the spiritual issues and strongholds in Nevada.

This week, Awakening Prayer Hubs is praying for Nevada.

Let’s pray:

Repent of legalizing abortion, covenant breaking, violence, idolatry, sexual immorality, and God robbing.

Pray for a spirit of repentance to rest upon the families of Nevada, the building block of the state.

Pray for a manifestation of God’s presence to sweep through the homes of Nevada, for where the spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty.

Pray the families of Nevada would have a revelation of the Father’s heart and love for them and as they seek out His precepts, the families will walk in freedom from rape, domestic violence, murder, abortions, divorce, and suicide.

Pray for voices of righteousness in all sectors of Nevada media who are not conformed to this world, but are transformed by the renewing of their mind, in that these voices may prove what is that good, acceptable, and perfect will of God.

Pray for Kingdom leaders who are set apart for the Gospel in media, who meditate on things that are true, noble, just, pure, lovely, of good report, of any virtue, and anything praiseworthy.

Pray for the exposure and uprooting of all terror cells within the land.

Pray for education reform where needs are addressed regarding low graduation rate, teacher shortage, and chronic student absenteeism with the recent $2.6 billion education investment.

Pray to come against the atheistic teaching and liberal ideologies in Nevada’s education system. Pray for the educational institutions in this state, that the Lord would pour out His Spirit on these campuses in that they would rejoice and let their hearts cheer them in the days of their youth.

Pray that a revival fire would burn through the school and college campuses in Nevada , resulting in the formation of Christ-centered clubs, organizations, and prayer cells. Pray that a spirit of prayer would rest on these campuses.

Pray for state and local officials, righteous rulership, who sit in the seats of governing authority in Nevada to walk not in the counsel of the wicked, nor stand in the way of sinners, nor sit in the seat of scoffers; but their delight would be in the law of the Lord, and on His law they would meditate day and night.

Pray Godly wisdom rests on the voters and for the honesty and integrity of all poll workers at the polling stations during the 2024 Nevada elections.

Pray the state of Nevada passes a total abortion ban.

Pray to come against the witchcraft, anti-Christ, and occult spirits that have infiltrated different county commission meetings. Pray the blinders are removed from the eyes of unbelievers bringing about repentance leading to salvation.

Pray biblical principles and values will be the foundation of the businesses of Nevada.

Pray for Kingdom business leaders and entrepreneurs who recognize they are the light of the world, a city set on a hill that cannot be hidden; that the world would be drawn to the light of Jesus.

Pray the Church in Nevada would walk in maturity and not be tossed to and fro by the waves and not carried about by every wind of doctrine, but speaking the truth in love, growing up in every way into Christ Jesus.

Pray for the Church to be spiritually minded and not carnally minded.

Pray for the remnant apostolic and prophetic Church in Nevada to arise with miracles, signs, and wonders following to be a witness that Jesus is alive.

Pray believers in Nevada would put aside the deeds of darkness and put on the armor of light; clothing themselves with the Lord Jesus Christ and not thinking about how to gratify the desires of the flesh.

Ask God to send laborers into the harvest fields of Nevada, with revival fire and boldness, to reach the lost with the Gospel and love of Jesus Christ.

Pray for the arts and entertainment mountain in this state to stand for purity and holiness, impacting the ones lost in darkness.

Declare the Lord is doing a new thing in Nevada, that it shall spring forth; that He is making a road in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.

Pray for healing of the land.

Declare transforming revival throughout the state of Nevada.

Awakening Prayer Hubs is looking for 1,000 prayer warriors to raise up as prayer leaders in the nations. Launch a hub, join a hub or sponsor a hub at

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