I’ve lost count of how many times I’ve heard believers say, “It feels like everything is falling apart,” right when they’re about to step into something big that God has been preparing them for. If you’ve ever felt that way—like you’re under intense attack just before a breakthrough—you’re not alone. Hindering spirits know exactly when you’re on the verge of a major breakthrough in your life, ministry, or business.
And what do they do? They aim to stop you right before the doors swing open. They don’t want you stepping into your calling, achieving the vision God gave you, or experiencing the blessings He’s prepared for you. The enemy knows that if you push through, you’ll be stronger on the other side, more effective in your purpose, and more dangerous to the kingdom of darkness. So, he pulls out all the stops to block you.
The Resistance Heats Up Before Breakthrough
The closer you get to breakthrough, the hotter the battle becomes in the spirit realm. If you’re under heavy fire right now—if the opposition feels relentless—that’s often a sign that you’re on the edge of a significant shift. But hindering spirits work overtime in those moments to sow seeds of discouragement, frustration, and confusion. They want you to give up before you even see the fruit of your labor.
Think about the children of Israel. They wandered in the wilderness for 40 years, but just as they were about to step into the Promised Land, they faced some of their greatest challenges. Giants, fortified cities, and armies stood in their way (Numbers 13). It would have been easy for them to throw in the towel and say, “This is too much. We’re not going to make it.” But God had already promised the land to them. The resistance wasn’t a sign that they were off track—it was a sign that they were on the verge of something powerful.
The Enemy’s Strategy: Delay, Discourage, Distract
Hindering spirits have a simple strategy when you’re on the cusp of breakthrough: delay, discourage, and distract. They throw everything they’ve got at you, hoping to get you to stop short of the finish line.
- Delay: Hindering spirits love to delay your progress by throwing unexpected obstacles in your path. You might experience unexplained delays in your projects, financial setbacks, or sudden relational conflicts that pull you away from your focus. The enemy is betting that if he can delay you long enough, you’ll lose your momentum and give up on what God told you to do.
- Discourage: Another key weapon is discouragement. You might start hearing whispers like, “Maybe this isn’t God’s will after all,” or “You’re not good enough to make this happen.” The enemy wants you to feel so discouraged that you quit before the breakthrough even has a chance to manifest.
- Distract: And if delay and discouragement don’t work, distraction is the next move. Suddenly, you’re overwhelmed with busyness, dealing with situations that seem urgent but are not part of your main assignment. Hindering spirits will try to keep your attention on the wrong things so that you lose focus on the mission God has given you.
The Tipping Point of Breakthrough
What most believers don’t realize is that the greatest attacks come right before the breakthrough happens. If you’re feeling the pressure mount, it’s not because you’re off course—it’s because the enemy knows that you’re about to step into a new level. The tipping point of breakthrough is when everything seems like it’s falling apart. That’s when you need to stand firm in faith the most.
The Bible gives us a powerful example in the life of Daniel. In Daniel 10, we see that Daniel had been praying and fasting for 21 days, but the answer was delayed. An angel finally came to him and explained that the “prince of the kingdom of Persia” had withstood him for 21 days, blocking the breakthrough from reaching Daniel. But the angel reassured him, saying, “From the first day that you set your heart to understand and to humble yourself before your God, your words were heard” (Daniel 10:12-13). Even though the resistance was fierce, Daniel’s breakthrough was already in motion.
This shows us that God hears our prayers from day one, but there’s often spiritual opposition standing in the way. Hindering spirits will try to block what God has already released, and they will fight until the very end. But take heart—just like Daniel, your breakthrough is on its way.
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